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Everything posted by hyabb17

  1. Dad’s army. Imagine being a fake pboro fan & claiming you’ll win the league!
  2. So Musielak has been stopped from riding in the UK by Toruń according to Terry Russell in today’s adver, or at the very least starting the season. This is what was said right from the start.
  3. KL just tweeted their next signing will be announced at 6am tomorrow, the rider in question was playing “darts”. I know NKI is a massive darts fan.
  4. Tickets & accomadtion sorted for SON.....Roll on the weekend in Manchester!
  5. And a massive ''NO'' to that.....Robins through & through!
  6. A good side at home, question marks away IMO.
  7. Haven't they said that they may allow the points limit to be set to the title winning teams final points total.
  8. Final rider confirmed in the morning. Doesn’t take a genius to work our who that’ll be. Happy with the 7 boys signed!
  9. I agree with this. I was also there that night & he was impressive. Looking forward to seeing him in a Robins racesuit.
  10. Announcement is imminent but from what I understand this will be an option. I think details are available at the Southbrook on Saturday when the club have a ''pop up'' shop.
  11. I’m happy with the signing. Think he’s well supported by STS (Dad’s company I think). Saw him race for Aussie at BV in the u21 team cup & like what I’ve seen.
  12. Ahahahahahaha!!! Jordan Stewart is signing number 6!
  13. Musielak did an interview in Swindon's programme where he said that he may give the UK a miss depending on what league he signed for in Poland. i.e Extraliga he would. He's in Div 1 so this may mean a change of plan for him. He has also signed in Sweden which he wasn't part of this year.
  14. Just to recap, Adam signed for Peterborough last week, Swindon on Monday & now Swindon tomorrow. You should be a comedian as the stuff you come out with is gold. Perhaps this guess may actually be right (although I do hope it's not).
  15. Another rider announcement tomorrow it would seem. Adam or a.n.other?!
  16. If Swindon signed a 17/18 year old foreign rider would anything be said like the above post over the previous 2/3 pages, I very much doubt it.
  17. I'm not saying he's any of those riders but he's entitled to be given a chance. To write him off before the season starts is ridiculous in my opinion.
  18. How do we know what he's going to be like, he won the NL riders title. He has 6 decent ashtech engines....Give the kid a chance before even judging him. Without given a chance then no-one can really know how he will do, Swindon have given him that chance. I for one hopes he takes it.
  19. If a club wants to give them a chance then why shouldn’t they give it a go. I genuinely think allowing a young Brit at reserve is a good thing. Why bring in a ringer, look after our own riders first. Woffy, Lambert, Bewley to name a few we’re all given chances at a young age.
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