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ha en bra födelsedag

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About ha en bra födelsedag

  • Birthday 03/03/1990

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    Speedway, football and travelling.

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  1. A very poor show indeed. GB didn't even seem that bothered that they were doing crap! The Czechs were fighting..and when Rymel beat Hans the crowd loved it (as we had nothing else to cheer about!) AJ didn't perform to his usual standard last night, but it didn't matter! The rest of the Sweden team stepped up like a team should do. Team for Thursday? Any one who can go into it with fighting spirit. If the Czech' had Lucas and Topinka....we might not have even been going to Denmark.
  2. Of course i will be there! I have a fun pack few weeks! Thursday - prom, Friday and Saturday Cardiff, Sunday recovering from Cardiff, and the next weekend im off to Paris!! (...And school will be officially over for ever then!! )
  3. My family and I went to Poland. We knew GB wouldn't run away with it, but we thought our big boys, Scott and Chris, would win their heats and mix it up a bit. However, the teams performance was very poor. We seemed to have speed out the gate, but the bikes just wern't fast enough to race. At some point i could have sworne we were peddling backwards!! The boys were not miles off, but we just didn't look anywhere near good enough. I think the team was the strongest we could have put out, but it just wasnt good enough to ride against the big boys. I doubt that anything was up with Walasek, he was extremly bad, made the crowd really angry, so they brought in the local hero. They broke the rules...but can you really say, that in the same situation, the other countries wouldnt do the same? Where will the Wtc be next year? Heard wispers about it being in britian...could this give us a chance to show we can hack it with the big boys? maybe.
  4. The Poles did cheat, they managed to manipulate the rules to bring in their reserve to replace a non-scoring rider. They had broken the rules, so both aussie and gb brought in their reserve. Although Poland did cheat, how about they learn from this and maybe change the rules allowing the reserve to be used like in a normal league meeting? I was at the meeting, and my family have always been big followers of the wtc. However, i have always thought it could be made better by having the format in the shape of a four team tournament. i.e. not individual riders in a race. Six riders in a team, each team has 3 pairs. These pairs rider against other pairs. This would make the competition have more of a 'team' feel. It could stop the big gaps between the scorelines aswell. ?
  5. Thanks for the info. Looks like we are going to be busy.
  6. We were on the 2nd bend, front row of the middle/top tier. We had our two banners up....Bomber written in the shape of a bomber plane and a picture of scott! You probably would have noticed the two twins who couldn't stop screaming....that was our group! Words cannot describe how amazing last night was!
  7. Oh no...thats all i have to say about the entertainment! Surely they could do better than that! Bring back Bjorn Again!
  8. Well done AJ! I thought Hans was actually alright in his interview, i thought he was gonna have a go at aj..but he seemed more upset about Lindback staying down (..and he had a right to feel upset about that!) ...Oh..and well done Morten on his 2 points!
  9. A good stadium for it to be held at! I went to Leszno last year for a league meeting after the wtc...i was very impressed! It's really easy to get a train to Leszno from Wroclaw, so i should think thats where a number of people will be staying. (plus...if you stay in Wroclaw..you have the delights of the Irish bar! )
  10. Could you possibly tell me the number for the ticket hotline..i can't seem to find it!
  11. lol...well, i have taken your word for it and booked two more hotel rooms. They can easily be cancelled so no worries if its the wrong date!
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