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Everything posted by tyretrax

  1. Would he be Billy that Bobby Beaton called Billy Gillette?
  2. Best wishes to Ivan and Rae on his retirement from public life. Thanks for the memories.
  3. Haw Heedthebaw yer erse is oot the windae. There has to be an interval.
  4. Just hope he doesn't take a front seat at Glasgow then.
  5. All the best Havvy. Lang may yir lum reek.
  6. It was the oldco who "sold" Morris. I must say that I think that it was wrong that Swindon could loan out Morris to another club when he was on loan to them.
  7. Hes and cant should have an apostrophe. I.E. he's and can't.
  8. I take it you like repeats then?
  9. Good plug on Salvage Hunter on Quest T.V. when they visited the speedway museum at the Paradise Wildlife Park.
  10. Strange that. On the Berwick page people think that Dick's past his sell by date.
  11. Maybe Bellago would claim he's a Glasgow asset!
  12. Old photo from Glasgow. Do you think someone's ancesters were Scottish?
  13. East Kilbride is further South than Berwick.
  14. Think you'll find this is Possie land.
  15. What else do you need to know? Shoe size....inside leg.....after shave?
  16. By the way Lioness, I've known this for a few weeks. Honest
  17. He's looking for a mid-week southern track, guess Berwick must be in with a shout then.
  18. Sunday 3p.m. yesssssssssssssss Ya dancer!
  19. Don't know about riders doubling down, it's more like speedway dumbing down.
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