How many more people would come on a Friday? I know a lot of people who wont. Maybe the promotion should ask the questions:-
(1) Which day/night would you prefer. Sunday or Friday?
(2) If the race day was changed would you still attend?
Have to agree with Paulco here. The only watering at the third bend was supporters jumping the fence at the top of the terracing. Why can't they put in more portable loos?
Just call it a donation. We have to pay every week.
What do you mean? Deek puts in 100% regardless , so where is the insult or the injury ya fat dobber.
Having been there. The start marshal brings the riders to the tapes, when he is satisfied that the riders are in line and stationary he drops his arms. He moves forward and the Ref puts on the green light. The riders are then under referees orders and the tapes then rise 1-1.5 seconds after the green light comes on.
Surely it's not the ref's job to beat the riders? I think though that it's the rider's job not only to beat the opposition but to anticipate the ref releasing the tapes. If a rider moves (forward) but doesn't touch the tapes good on him, but if he moves and causes another rider to touch the tapes then the ref could exclude (or is it disqualify) him.