Allied Vehichles employ 500 people, the people who own the company also own the speedway. If Allied employees were given two tickets for the first meeting there could easily be a couple of thousand on opening night.
Riders should be allowed 1 guest and 1 mechanic, everyone else should pay. If anyone who pays i.e. track staff, announcers etc who think they are entitled to free addmision they could be reimburrsed at the speedway office. Better still they should be issued with a pass and log in at the office, no pass PAY.
Jim's arm wasn't really tied on to the handlebars. He used a piece of a tyre inner tube (which would snap in the event of him coming off) to hold his hand onto the handlebars. He could use his arm to push the handlebars but couldn't flex his fingers to grip the bars. The only other rider to race Jim's bike was Merve Janke a couple had a try on it but couldn't ride it.