BAGS, Bookies Afternoon Greyhound Service, meetings are beamed to bookie shops. They are paid for by the bookies and don't depend on "on track" punters.
The Clyde Clowns aren't satisfied with breaking and entering Shawfield but knock down walls and spray profanities. Another interloper yesterday thought it was OK to wander inside because there was a hole in the wall to come in. If they asked to come in permission would probably be given.
Good to put a face to the person who entered Shawfield ilegally and carried out acts of vandalism. Did the video guy not see the Clyde Clown tie the scarf or put the sticker on the post? The stadium isn't abandoned as there is still staff working there.
Neil asked him if he had brought handlebars with him, he replied he had many bikes with different bars so it wasn't a problem. His excuse for his poor return?..........That's right the handlebars didn't suit him. Still, he was a brilliant rider.