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Everything posted by tyretrax

  1. Yes, they were discussing it on the greyhound forum.
  2. Gavan, according to Elsie it's only other teams supporters who are trolls.
  3. He's not Mad Marcin this time round.
  4. In hindsight I would agree but if rode like he did the last time it would have been O.K. Maybe the changes in his personal life are the reason.
  5. You asked if there were Glasgow riders in it and then name check a Glasgow asset and a current Tiger, for sure you're not sure.
  6. I think that they're all trolls lead by Karen. A prediction she'll be on soon, unless of course I'm a liar and she won't.
  7. I was asking Mose about it on Saturday, Ian Paterson's wife is unwell and he hasn't opened for a while, probably since Covid. I don't know if he would be willing to open if there was a group wanting to visit.
  8. We previously had the exhibition at Summerlee Museum, Coatbridge, and although there was a lot on Facebook no mention of it was made at Ashfield. I have been to Motherwell several times topping up Tigers, and Monarchs, flyers to advertise the speedway. At Summerlee we had former Glasgow, Edinburgh and Berwick riders along with representatives from the W.S.R.A. who are based at the museum in the Paradise Wildlife Park. There will be a Bike Day at Summerlee on Saturday 9th September, 11am until 4pm. Admission is free.
  9. Hell of a big slip, D-a-n-e....D-u-t-c-h. What does Sarcy mean? or was it a slip of the finger and you meant Darcy?
  10. I take it you were off school the day they did geography? Holland isn't in Denmark, his father Theo is Dutch.
  11. Sorry for your health problems, but surely the conditions would still be the same when meeting someone at the track. You really need to visit Workington it's a brilliant setup.
  12. Don't know how H.Gould finds Glasgow hard to find.
  13. Would the riders be available for Saturday to run the meeting?
  14. How would seven heat leaders be paid because they couldn't all score points? so they would all need to be paid a fixed amount. Who could afford that?
  15. Rating riders is a mater of opinion. I told someone, , that he should sign a sixteen year old rider with next to no experiance in speedway, the reply was he's not what we're looking for. He's now in Poland and the G.P,'s.
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