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tyretrax last won the day on November 3 2024

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  1. Swindon Greyhounds have said the dog racing will cease on 25th December. Depending on trainer's contacts it could close sooner if dogs are moved to other tracks.
  2. You're going to be busy going to every meeting live. How will you manage Glasgow and Edinburgh racing on the same night?
  3. Same with the University Boat Race and an American team always wins The World Series in baseball.
  4. Yeah, Sandy told me last year his time was almost out. Thought that you had made a typo.
  5. I thought Connor had completed his apprenticeship, or did you mean "now"?
  6. Trigger was also the horse of Roy Rogers.
  7. And not actually anything to do with speedway.
  8. He's a Poole supporter, they don't make mistakes.
  9. No disrespect to Chris but Steve Lawson should have been honoured years ago.
  10. Happy New Year to everyone.
  11. I was happy when he left, I bought his sponsored Mk3 Cortina GXL from Jimmy Beaton.
  12. Any/every team could have injuries. Winner of The Stupid Post award.
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