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Everything posted by barncooseboy

  1. think scb could be spot on with lakeside, belle vue, coventry, and swindon running on a friday each having at least 2 PL DU riders how can any pl team run on a friday with a potential of 32 rider absences?
  2. rumour has it the 3 point rabbits are already demanding heat leader type contracts
  3. it says the number 7 has to be national league eligible so that removes ALL the non british riders not sure how that would sit with EU REGS readers as pl is considered to be a professional league
  4. ALWAYS ensure that these planning coun cillors are aware that speedway bikes run on methanol fuel, mention an alternative name is wood alcohol and when it burns in the bike the exhaust product is water. That should appeal to their green credentials plus these days the modern bikes no longer dump all the oil out of the exhaust pipe, unfortunately that results in crap track surfaces
  5. John, I may be god but I am not expensive have also heard a rumour new Plymouth team manager wil,l be......................................... Kendo Nagasaki thinking being no one will argue with him
  6. a name not heard of in speedway since 2005, could plymouth number 7 be Roger Lobb
  7. there were certainly grand plans talked about a couple of years of a move to the Ingliston show ground but everything seems to have gone very quiet since
  8. i am going to need a sa\fe way to mount my roman candles next year, parhaps lewy and sav could com e on to the cetre green and be the stable base for them
  9. the council, because it isnt COSTING them money should be in a position to wait longer than any developer
  10. it seems that Harley Fisher (Ryans son) has a broken femur as a result of falling off his bike
  11. I beieve it will be a re4quirement to have a Bitish #7 3 pointer AT THE START OF THE SEASON
  12. good idea from I am sure that back in the 50s at St Austell the tapes had 4 elements across which put the bottom tape closer to the ground I guess the reduction in tapes is to save money
  13. I think a branded poster with a band left across the bottom to print the local track location would be a good idea, i would go further and ask the guy who does Spedeworths posters to design it HOWEVER posting them is a different matter. Company owned shops/garages will not allow third party advertising on their premises so it has to be self owned and operated business, which keeps you out of most town centres. Some tourist information centres now charge to display information, can be £100 per month, driving around to distribute posters, its good going to do more than 10 a day.Cultivating local papers to get sports page editorial is vital, as long as you dont have a spokesman whose glass is permanently half empty and has been told to be positive but is mostly negative. Advertising and promotion can be a nightmare, dont think setting fire to the promoters hat will bring many through the gate these days.
  14. the other Sam, Simota has been using a prototype one at Plymouth on occassion
  15. the alternative is the elite teams go without their number 1s as it was in the british league cup back in 2002 or 3 when Trelawny beat Wolves bfair and square it gives a run of local derbies which should give a bit of a financial boost. by the way why are they called derbys?
  16. How about a season opening Regional Cup competition e.g Poole Swindon, Plymouth, Somerset Allow the PL teams an EL guest from another region and work your way up thru the country in 4 team bites would give EL Fans a few different riders/teams to see and same for PL could have sw v lon semi etc if it goes well whoops probably posted this in wrong area, could someone who is good at fingerpoken move it to the correct one.
  17. I am saying that sometimes family is more important than speedway Would any of you critics sacrifice your family for running around a park or riding a bike They were assured by people who claimed to know that Daelyns Polish (EU) entry visa was valid to use for the UK entry to any EU country supposed to get you into all. By the way, I hear Glasgows Female mascot is likely to have a new suitor today
  18. Jack Holder has a 2 year visa with Plymouth named as his UK work Sponsor
  19. Ryan fisher has had a mare of a year, started with his wife and kids age 6 and 8 being arrested and held in custody when they tried to come into uk on a valid EU Visa. The kids werte actually in custody at the airport for some 12 hours and were very upset by it. They were then allowed into UK for 3 months and so had to return to US at the end of that time, although I suppose they could have gone to Poland where they couldnt speak the language. Comr the play offs, Ryan would have to remain in the UK for 3 weeks with all the expenses but NO income because iof the way it was so called organised. Over those 3 weeks he would have been spending his air fare home without knowing if he was going to get 2 meetings 4 or 6 . It could have resulted in being stranded in the UK flat broke or he could go back to US to sort his family problems. Over the past 3 tears the Fisher family have really suffered at the hands of UKVI Give them a break
  20. heat 12 replacement not passed to ref as i understand it from conversation with announcer last night
  21. Riders may know the season runs to end of October, however they dont expect a 3 week hole while teams who are running meaningless local derbies to boost their financies before running the 'official' league matches.
  22. This year we took 1/4 page adverts in a magazine delivered to 45,000 houses around Plymouth for 3 months, 15000 flyers distributed to caravan sites, gagages,and shops advertising boards on the Torpoint ferry that glow in the dark, none of it has made much difference to the people through the gate. SO what advertising does work these days online? Ad blocker software filters them out. Seems word of mouth might now be the only method that is cheap and effective so bring a friend to speedway
  23. there are now so many radio stations chasing the same pot, prices have dropped, an afternoon slot on Radio Plymouth, an afternoon slot costs £6 yes 6 for a 20 second slot. However it made no difference to the number of people coming through the gatesh
  24. why is Cook crap in FIM Meetings where monitoring is tight
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