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Everything posted by barncooseboy

  1. Until various government agencies come to their decision the only updates possible are, someone somewhere is thinking of looking at an application and when they have read it they will take a decision of some kind that they will pass to the applicants who then may choose to pass the information on to other third parties
  2. Time allowed for race meetings is 2 hours 30 minutes Bank holiday Monday meetings will run from 1800 till 2030 2230 was an error in reporting by the local paper.
  3. The changes allowed by the planning variation means that Plymouth will at last be able to run a structured second half in the south west there are actually 14 juniors who cpould fill these second half races, the NL team could see regular changes to give everyone a go. TThere is at least 1 junior who cannot qualify for the NL side due to where he was born, but no reason why he couldnt second half.
  4. The planning variation also allows racenight extension to 9.45 from 9.30, look out for a second half programme and also adds Thursday as an alternative race night BH Mondays will start at 6. Current track work makes it look as if track will be a couple of metres longer going into turn 1 and also turn 3, dogleg between 4 and finish line will be gone, turn 1/2 will be wider by about a metre so expect some more around the outside 'death dives'
  5. Here in Plymouth the rumour is that Argyle were paid £60k and their opponents a similar sum for the lowest of the footba;; leagues for one match, cant imagione it drew a big audience amongst the UK footy fans. That makes the speedway coverage a complete bargain lets not forget that in order to fill the current screen time SKY will have to find an alternative and it will have to be something that advertisers will support maybe at last we will have coverage of the World of Outlaws sprint car series. SKY could rregret not carrying Speedway, how many cancelled their subs last week? They paid too much for their footy coverage and so the other sports are having to suffer because SKY executives can only see one sport, how long before the channels are renamed after the footy leagues a la the Formula 1 channel
  6. Lets stretch this discussion a little further, Polish immigrants who are already living and working in the UK decides to have a go at speedway having been, say, an agricultural worker for a couple of years what would their position be? Should they be allowed a National Leagu place as they are still pottential wobblers.
  7. How many tracks already have TV coverage in the bar of the nights racing? there is an existing video source that could be streamed Somerset and Sheffield come to mind just needs a comment track added, that should be easy. lets face it BBC News no longer has camera people its done with remote controlled cameras.
  8. It could be worth looking at the easyjet schedule from both airports in Scotland to Bristol it just might work oout as the cheapest journey combined with a guest house night in Burnham on Sea Would you believe there is an undertaker in Burnham on Sea called Burnham Funeral Service!!!
  9. I thought this was supposed to be the top ten riders who rode for Barrow
  10. Chico is sitting in Hull twiddling his thumbs
  11. Because air/foam fences are items of safety equipment HMRC should classify them as being either VAT exempt or zero rated.In other words there should be no VAT to pay. The capital cost is a business expense and the cost should be written off against tax over 5 or so years, this does of course assume that there is any profit to write it off against.
  12. As this message was removed from The Ply mouth Devils Forum within 12 hours it seems possible that someone doesnt want the news to come out, because the Herald and the Independent have ignored it too. I attended what I thought was to be a routine consortium meeting last Saturday December 15 with Ashley Taylor, Seemond Stephens and David Short and was both surprised and upset to be told at the beginning of the meetiing by the recently joined consortium member Mr Taylor that I was no longer a member of the consortium, when I asked the reason for my sacking I was told that it was because of comments that I had made on social networking sites that had upset St Boniface College as they considered tI had been disrespectful to the Catholic Church and they could be unwilling to proceed with the granting of the lease for SBA if I remained involved. I pointed out that the only Facebook area that I regularly use are areas dedicated to current and former Wall of Death workers and a Fairground Appreciation site and that I have never used and indeed dont know how to use Twitter so I was mystified by this reference. It was then sugggested that it may have been a reference to land valuations on this speedway forum site. I have attempted to get a reply from the College to confirm the situation but have not received a response. I therefore am left in a position where I have to announce that all connections between myself and Plymouth Speedway have been severed, I will however continue to support the riders that I have sponsored over the past years at their current and future locations. Godfrey Spargo
  13. In reply to your last question Plymouth consortium have been given an extension of a week to try to sort out a new agreement with ST Boniface College, Alex Harkess has been working his socks off trying to make it happen, main problem is actually getting the college to answer the phone or emails
  14. They were actually given the land by a Devon County Council Department many years ago, friends have had experience in the past of negotiations over church freehold farm rents, they always want more rent than a commercial company would.
  15. Please see www.plymouth-devils.co for the consortium statement I would like to thank everyone for their support especially over the past few weeks, we tried but are unable to reach agreement with people who have unrealistic views on land values, its worth the valuation not 10 times the valuation because they are a catholic school
  16. If the college get a valuation on the site that tells them because the land is a flood plainm and there are also restructions placed on it by the Ministry of Transport it is worth £x where x is a reasonable figure, the consortium would consider buying the land. We have a property company friend who might be prepared to join us iIF the price is at a level where it is economic to continue with the site just as it is for speedway, we cant afford to compete with industrial unit/retail developers, although why they would want to overpay for the site who knows. The college want to put the land up for sale to the open market to set up a bidding war or maybe there wouldnt be any bidders
  17. I regret to report that the College has reneged on a promise given at our last meeting with them that they would have a detailed valuation of the site by Monday njext, examination of the details provided by the Land Registery reveal that as well as being classified as a flood plain, with the hoops to jump through that that provides (NO impact on water levels at adjoining property caused by the development being the main one, especially as the main adjoining property is the Paddington to Plymouth railway line) the whole right hand side of the site from the pedestrian entrance to the far hedge i.e the area where the vans park, at that hedge turn left and head towards the flyover and then turn left again under the flyover, all that land is actually owned by the Highways Agency as a maintenance route to the A38 flyover and not by the college. The HA also have restrictions on what can happen on other areas to prevent making their job harder, so think any profitable sale to a developer is unlikely, however the college appear to think that option is viable With the time scale left before the AGM it is looking fairly certain that no viable agreement will be possible for Premier League speedway to continue at the Marsh Mills Playing Fields. No one regrets that more than me because we had some exciting plans.
  18. I believe a track close to Newport has applied to run it this coming winter, they should do monster business with hot mulled cider, my only catering complaint their bags of chips are too big to finish
  19. A top bloke, have known him since somerset opened and he was always good humoured and welcoming. I will miss him at the track. My condolences to all his family. R.I.P. Merv
  20. Ashley Taylor will be running a coach to the PLRC at Sheffield from Plymouth. Because of the revised 1300 start time it will leave St Boniface Arena at 0530. To book and to confirm details ring Ashley on 077489 48740
  21. The takeover is dependant on us reaching an agreement with the landowners to take over the site lease as that previously granted is non transferrable
  22. The Devils on tour group decided in discussions with some of the Berwick fans in a post meeting discussion on Wednesday night in the Black and Gold club that Tai Woffinden should be managed by Eric Boocock, it should all be filmed by a reality TV crew and it could then replace WWE wrestling on Sky Sports
  23. Think you mwill find its an Italian Dad and an Argentinian mum...........................................or maybe the other way round
  24. Cardiff is also hosting the 20/20 cricket semi finals and Final on the same day as the Speedway GP, this takes place at the Swalec ground and because it starts at 11am the cricket fans are likely to have bagged the best parking spots. It could be a good idea to allow yourself some extra time to find a parking spot because it could be a longer than normal walk.
  25. Speedway DOES sell papers, sports editor of the Cornish Guardian admitted sales dropped by 15% after Trelawny closed. Does anyone know who will be riding against Ben Barker at St Johann Austria?
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