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Everything posted by barncooseboy

  1. If the dou ble up riders were removed from the teams there would be 44 vacant slots, surprised that there are no comments about the most important thing that happened, the PL debut of James Shanes. I have been keeping an eye on him since he came to Plymouth when he was 12, he is very special, hopefully he will be able to upgrade his equipment. Penny Cross super comments werent there when I wrote my comment. Trelawny won the League Cup and I got soaked in champers by Steve Masters I hope my health will improve to let me see the Devils wwibn this cup.
  2. When you come down the sliup road off the A38 there is a Sainsbury immediately on your left, probably cheapest for fuel apart from Asda which is a bit involved to find. Coming out of fuel go straight on into main car park which exits back onto roundabout, use centre exit lane bear right towards Plympton turn left immediately after Mcdonalds, park and ride car park straighjt down tyhe hill, HOWEVER local TV weather prediction for Friday not too good.
  3. I assume six dozen man works for somebody, would he expect that if his employer was bought out by a company from say, India, he would have to apply to the Indian government for permission to continue to work for it. Ryan had a completely valid visa to reside and work in the UK with his employer or because a visa was imvolved he required an employment sponsor to support his visa. That person is responsible for paying a living wage each week to the visa holder so they are not dependant on UK government benefits. As the owner of Coventry Speedway that person was Mr Sandhu, however whilst the ownership of the actual stadium remained with Mr Sandhu the racing rights at the stadium passed to Mick Horton, in the complex world of speedway promotion Mick took over the operating rights of Coventry Speedway HOWEVER has he actually bought all the assets of the club or is he merely leasing them from Mr Sandhu. It is this complexity of who actually OWNS and is still ultimately responsible as Ryans 2014 Visa sponsor where the family problem has arisen. Since 2004 the family have been in the uk as ryans dependants and have all been covered by one document, due to changes in conditions at the Visa agency when Ryanb renewed his own visa during 2013 he wasnt told that wife and kids now required their own separate bit of paper, when they returned to the UK after Christmas Daelyn and the kids were held in custody at Heathrow for hours before being sent back to the US because it was considered that they had been illegal immigrants because they were no longer covered from the time that Ryan had renewed HIS visa. Because they were considered to be illegal under conditions as they now are they have to return to the uuuus and cannot apply for a new visa until they have been out of the UK for a year, however they have never lived in Poland so they can apply to go there because they are not illegal there. Complicated isnt it. Basically they are caught up in Camerons political campaign to show he is reducing non EU immigration, (US and Australia are NON EU) they are just numbers of bodies on a bit of paper who have been refused entry. As of this week no more Aussies will be allowed in for speedway this year and the conditions will all change again before the start of next season Getting involved with government agencies is enough to drive evn the most sane of people screaming up the road, a family just adds to the complexities of dealing with them I remember coming back into a cross channel ferry port to discover all the immigration staff were asian. I probably shouldnt have written this but knowing what a super family they are I really am cheesed off that they should be caughjt up in a numbers game that is being used as a n election tool.
  4. Avon and Somerset police have just taken delivery of 3 brand new speed camera equipped mototbikes that are intended for use in the Burnham on sea area.
  5. An air fence is required at every track that runs a single speedway race and the effective place to pout an air fence is on the bends, it wont do much good on the centre green. Sight lines were checked by people who very varying heights to see if it was a barrier to seeing the on track activity of the riders, in their opinion viewing is the same now as before. The back straight stand structure is made up of welded steel tube and was assembled by a contractor who does similar structural steelwork for one of Britains major supermarket chains, is the correspondent who implies it is unsafe really saying that the previous structure which was made from left over off cuts of someones garden fence really preferable. Oh by the way it has been checked and approved by PLymouth City Council structural engineers, maybe his real objection is the name on the stand he probably thinks it should be called The Adam Bowden stand or only consist of two levels so it could be called the Bi Polar stand. Alex Davis absence entirely outside the control of Plymouth Speedway
  6. Plymouth are due to open their newly constructed disabled/wheelchair/elevated viewing area on Friday.
  7. I believe Henny Kroeze is still touring with a Wall of Death show in Europe
  8. Armando lives across the road from a family who own a large leather company, I believe it is a family owned business and when I was last in Italy he did not own any of the company. Armando and most of his brothers own a hotel/restaurant.
  9. Looks like the FIM are going to change the regulations for 2015, already announced for grasstrack. All riders will have to use leather race suitrs New Spec silencers will have to be used, current ones are only licenced till end of 2014 season.
  10. all tracks beware, Plymouth have a special aura that causes electrical failures at tracks c.f. Weymouth
  11. There is a Harvester pub just along the road towards Plympton, If coming from park and ride car park turn left at traffic lights and its few hundred yards along on left just before the petrol station.
  12. Emiliano is working for an engineering company in Hull, one of their projects is a new silencer for speedway He is also lacking bikes, just one and that lacks a carrb. IF he was going to ride for anybody it would be Plymouth Rider replacement is not available for a rider who has never ridden for the team to prevent what happeneed a few years ago with a team using r/r the whole season for someone who Never started a single heat for them. If a national league guest was used it costs an automatic £600 fine per meeting. last season Plymouth used a NL guest at a meeting they WON and were still fined for being understrength
  13. Sam has also been riding in Poland at times and WANTS to ride for Plymouth unfortunately a long list of no's were worked through first two South American/Italians who both now have jobs that prevent them riding on weekdays, a former PLRC who is staying retired a dane who has to ffinish his apprenticeship (One for next year) a swede who requires weekly flights over and back plus every bit of kit supplied at this end, It aint easy out there. Sam had previously been in contact, knows it is projected to be short term and said YES.
  14. I believe that in rugby union ANY level of concussion results in a minimum 3 week suspension and a few months ago the american oval racing magazine Circle Track carried the story of a stock/sprint car driver who over the years suffered a series of small concussions due simply to sudden stops in crashes when his head stopped but his brain was still moving inside his skull. He is now confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, I copied and forwarded thje article to the BSPA and Andrew Butler for information. James Wright is not about to make a full time 2014 return to league racing, he is still young and after a period of reflection and recuperation MAY decide to give it a go in 2015 How do I know because unlike most of you I have spoken to him, seems a super guy. He deserves the chance to consider his options and take his own decisions like all the rest of us have the opportunity to do without external pressure from armchair 'experts;
  15. a spectacular east european rider is on standby as a short term replacement in case Alex /Plymouths visa problems arent sorted in time. Seems ironic that the counties citizens who were required to jump through hoops to get into UK can now walk straight in and our commonwealth ftiends who fought alongside us against those former eastern foes have barriers erected against them. Just goes to prove that ALL politicians are look after number 1 must get re elected to keep my nose in the trough opportunists. what help have Plymouth had from Gary Streeter who is now on the Parliamentary speedway committee, could this be the same Gary Streeter who objected to thr track opening in the first place?
  16. The Plymouth track is now a different animal, 2 metres wider on the bends to provide room for the airfence, significantly more banking, n ew surface material, think there will need to be a new track recordfigure because it is so different. Its looking smooth and fast. There are new spectator 2 metre barriers engineered by Neil Johnson? no worries about leaning on these (No nails!! all metal) Startline stands entirely refurbished with new material. Lighting poles are new and an extra one on each bend. Many thousands spent to improve things and many many hours of work put in by the magnificent volunteer helpers. The Plymouth Mascots (Neville the Devil and Demon will both be competing in the annual race at the horse race course in Yorkshire in April (Weatherby??) Very interesting conversation with one of the Marjon Sports science lecturers this afternoon regarding the result of the heart monitor tests carried out last season, heart rate peaks when approaching and sitting at start gate but falls right off by half way around the first race lap. Its going to be a fascinating time looking at the results of the medical tests and all the gym equipment is available to Devils and Demons PLUS all the psysios and treatment facilities should they be needed. I believe this could be the most significant sponsorship deal ever in British Speedway, it has the potential to bring Plymouth riders to a whole new level of physical and mental fitness and dont forget that tucked away in the backgroun d there are some highly qualified sports psychiatrists and £15 million sports research centre.
  17. Prediction Michael Bech will see the biggest increase in both his average and his fanbase at La\keside. He is a very special capture you are getting a very good rider and a rare commodity these days a super likeable showman.
  18. As an off the wall diversion, a few friends were having a discussion this afternoon and we wondered what reson was there for Coventry adopting The Bees teaam name.
  20. hope the water coming off those ducks backs wont flood the track, there is ennough of the wet stuff around without adding to it.
  21. there is also a fair sized car park behind Comet which is on your left after you turn at the traffic lights and of course since it went bust Comet store is now closed. Dont know if its security patrolled Last Saturday airtek fence erected for first time doesnt appear to affect site lines to the track from 1/2 or 3/4 banking Stands along straight either side of refs box being rebuilt to remove rootten wood and replace with new. dont forget March 21 7.30 get together at The Duke of Cornwall Hotel Millbay Road (opposite The Pavilions) March 22 1.30 P & P before U21 semi at 7,15 March 23 stand at Marjons sport relief fun run NEXT SATURDAY IN THE CLUBHOUSE AT OAK TREE ARENA (SOMERSET SPEEDWAY) SPECIAL CHARITY NIGHT IN SUPPORT OF THE SOMERSET FLOOD RELIEF FUND CERTAINLY DESERVES SUPPORT
  22. I dont believe that churches apply for planning permission to ring their bells and therefore complaints regarding noise are allowed to be considered. WEst Row Stadium have been granted planning permission to run motor sport racing events and in granting permission it is considered that the planning authoroty in their consideration of the application they will have taken all factors into consideration from the effect of the granting on the local wildlife to the noise likely to be generated by the activity. IF IT IS AN ACTIVITY THAT CAN REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO GENERATE NOISE THE GRANTING OF PLANNING PERMISSION IS DEEMED TO MEAN THAT THE PLANNING AUTHORITY HAVE GIVEN DUE WEIGHT TO THE EFFECT OF THE NOISE ON THE LOCAL AREA AND HAVE REEACHED A CONCLUSION THAT IT DOES not CONSTITUTE A NUISANCE. Having come to that conclusion there is no avenue to take legal action against the noise maker under planning law.because their right to make a noise is enshrined in the grant of permission. the paperwork granting the permission was freely available for iinspection at the local council offices, the complainants and their agents simply didnt look. A grant for planning, if renewed at intervals, can last fforever here in Devon a mine/quarry that was given planning permission in the 1950s is about to begin operation under that grant.
  23. Alex Davies will be replaced by an Australian called Alex Davies
  24. Does all this speculation about Doyle mean thatJason has chosen Leicester as his British team for 2014 rather than Somerset
  25. Hopefully we will soon get a period of dry weather to allow the track changes prompted by the air fence requirement to be completed, thr bends are being widened a bit and new material is being added to lay the new base out there, it needs some dry weather to allow it to be packed down before the top surface can be added, currently there is a pump running most days to remove flooding from 3 and 4. New boards have been added to the back straight (Colin Hill) stand, to stop anyone falling through the back, new pit gate installed. Fence dog leg removed between turn 4 and finish line. Work teams at the track most Saturdays.
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