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Everything posted by barncooseboy

  1. Just sppoken to Ryan Fisher, he is devastated by yet more engine problems last night. His engines wernt back to his tuner of choice after last weeks problems at Posh, ithey were caused by a bolt falling out of the rockers, last night what happened after the tuners efforts during the past week, a bolt or stud felll out of the rockers within seconds of firing up and was found ithis morning in the chain locker not broken, had just screwed itself out and fallen, nut still on it. How do you fight things like that? Just spoken to a friend he suggests a firm kick in the slats
  2. i guess the rain m,ust soak up through the ground, brightish sunshine at the moment, Ashley Taylor rang me Thursday to DENY that Alan Trump had taken over and said the team manager shouldnt have told the papers what he did. In fact as the ownership[ lies with a limited company no transfer can happen legally without a share holders meeting. No such meeting has happened or even been called, I believe it needs 3 weeks notice.
  3. Lewy, if you had put close to £30,000 into Plymouth Speedway over the past 12 months including arrangi ng the advertising I am sure you would expect to be consulted in management deecisions rather than being treated like a mushroom.
  4. If you are going to change the team, you should at the very least tell the rider concerned. In this case AM found out he was no longer in the 1 to 7 when another promoter rang him to see if he was interested in joining another team and toldf him he was no longer in Plymouths 1 to 7 after the promotion re declare. You dont treat people like that.
  5. Phoned farmer bill at about 7 to tell him Ashley Morris is available
  6. Lee Trigger claimed to me he didnt know anything about the changes, I think it is disgusting treatment of Ashley Morris who was progressing well. Ashley Taylor seems to think he knows it all and doesnt take advice from anybody, I have tonight withdrawn all my financial support for Plymouth Speedway
  7. Trelawny Riders currently first and second gate needs polarity reversing on inside pole but cant find Jim Laurences or Phil Morris mobil;e number lost them when I lost my phone
  8. We will have a bucket and a ladder ready for Len so he can reprise his famous County Ground high dive from the night Don Lindbergh was an interval attraction at Exeter, we will even pay him the same 30 bob that Wally paid him that night.
  9. I understand CL made programme comments about track preparation . He obviously doesnt understand that you get greater entertainment, closer racing, and an altogether better meeting when you DONT have a track prepared with one team in mind. Good racing comes from a consistent surface all over, so inside and outside can be used. Doctored tracks often see riders seeing the doctor.
  10. If I am remembering this correctly, I believe his full time job was working at the Parker Pen company showrooms at the now much lamented Bush House in Londons Strand, I was working on the 6th floor at the time.
  11. I believe that when the Abbear family first opened the Moto Parc they were given a 7 year term this was in fact extended, the original Trelawny team moved into the Moto Parc as a temporary measure whilst applying to build a new track on the site of an existing Moto Cross track at Mitchell about a 20 minute drive from St Austell. The circuit had planning under a certificate of lawful use certificate but to allow groun d works to build the track, fence and other facilities it required further planning permission. Unfortunately a locally influenntial solicitor had moved into very close proxinity to the proposed track and used his influence to get the council to reject the scheme at a chaotic council meeting where the meeting was run in such a way it was probably illegal.We were advised by our then planning consultant that an appeal could cost up to £50,000 so it wasnt appealed. It costs the objector though, the land owner who had tolerated him using his land for the turning and parking of vehicles built a brand new Cornish hedge which stopped that and insisted he stuck to his legal rights of way to reach his house, in addition the Moto cross track became a weekly operated practice track with moto cross happening every Saturday and Sunday from 10 to about 5 plus complete weeks during the summer period. After the moto parc track closed moves were made to move to St Eval and on the very day that I talked the planners at Bodmin into approving the track, their main concern was that we wouldnt pay for new signs to the track, the landowner who had taken over 3 months to sign a bit of paper sent to him by the council, decided it was taking too long and withdrew the application. WE WERE THAT CLOSE. The track base was actually laid. I wasnt involved in the B odmin application, however I believe a fundamental error waas made, because it was on the site of Bodmin Rugby Club which was an approved Sports Stadium and already had planning as such, I believe that instead of a whole fresh planning application being made an application should have been made for change of use from Rugby to Speedway both being sports. The objection from The National Trust to Bodmin was not in fact from the Trust it was from someone using their headed note paper snaffled from Lanhydrock House, the TRUST knew nothing of the objection but that wasnt known until some 3 years later. So you can see the shenanigans that have gone on to get a track opened in Cornwall over the years. And thats without the true reason that Trelawny was closed by Imerys THAT I will never commit to print, in all the time we were allowed to use their land we never paid them a single penny in rent, in fact they refused to accept any payment, citing that their accounts didnt allow them to accept rent moniies from us. Imerys built the safety fence using one of their maintenance teams, used one of their garden teams to grass the centre grreen and kept a close eye on the site with their security teams, they were damned good landlords. It should of course read ANNEAR family, finger went one key to the left
  12. I think pre war it was mainly grass track but featuring a lot of the top speedway names. The most famouus venue was Rocky Park at ST AUSTELL think it was off the St Austell to Truro road
  13. The thing that didnt reach the terraces on Friday was the pits atmosphere, it was buzzing. Samchapman said he had never had so much advice and help at a meeting a couple of suggestions frm Morten m ade a big difference to him. Morten has started a Fin e Fund, late for the track walk fined, forget your Plymouth Jacket Fined late at the gate Fined and a few others as well. The fine money will go to finance a big end of season PU. I was very impressed with Ashley Morris thought he looked very promising, think he could be a steal. Smiler Sam was on a brand new JRM Engine set up for big tracks and said it was the smooothest engine he had ever ridden, when I say ;New' I mean it is the very latest design to come out of JRM apparently a olt of it has German engineering input behind it, we will have to see how it goes, It certainly looks good. All we can do now is ait and see, Polish Dave has bought a brand new bike and van and is also now on a British licence, very sensible laad, ran the new engine slowly around the track on Saturday too get the oil gentlly warm for a good few laps before he wound it open, shows he is mechanically concerned for his bikes Hope to get to a lot of meetings more than I managed last year. Please pick me up if I fall over, legs are still pretty rubbish.
  14. The Council kicked the locally notorious Stadium for Cornwall into touch, that was the stadium intended solely for people kicking spherical and oval balls all over the place on the outskirts of Truro. It was dependant on a company called INOX getting planning fkr a large housing development however they failed to provide the information required by the council these days, you know things like the inside leg measurement of the first spectator thru the gate, what colour will the first bird whlo lands on the grass be etc The Fraddon site is in the RIGHT area of Cornwall. A meeting was held with the Truro developers and ended as one of thise we will ring you situations. Nothing heard from them since Truro is too far west The Stadium for Cornwall was originally going to be a £14 million 10,000 seater stadium, apparently the RFU require stadiums of that size for the top Rugby Union league and runnng costs were going to be paid by the man who owned The cornish Pirates Rugby team He has now taken his money to another sunny European country and when the application came up for consideration it had shrunk to 6000 and £10m When the Stadium project was first announced Radio Cornwall was swamped with Speedway fans asking what about Speedway, 2hours of solid requests nothing has been heard from the developers since. The Track would have had to go around the pitch, it would have been expensive to build and probably the racing would not have been of the quality of before. Its better to build a Speedway only ciruit somewhere else like Fraddon. Would also be a good location for a few pop concerts, there are few houses close and those that are , are desparate for speedway to return.
  15. There is a potential site at Fraddon pretty much all the paperwork has been completed, there has been tipping going on on the site to get it flat, that still has a little way to go yet because the tipping licence (Yes you have to have a licence) ran out before all the necessary flattening had been done. It is very close to a site that the much missed Restormel council recommended when Trelawny closed Only trouble was their site was covered in that grass that grows on marshes and it had full size elecrfic pylons right across the middle of the site Meantime come to PLymouth for super racing and help us to afford to open the new track. Shame we cant get any of that many millions Cornwall Coucil want to apend on a new 6000 seater stadium for a football club rhat attracts 400 and a rugby club rhar attracts 1000 the developers were not interested in speedway get us 250k of that and we couild start in 2016 in a nice comfortable compact stadium with on site parking
  16. Never thought I WOULD see someone praise Red Barrel it always gave me killer farts and I have 8 LITRES OF cASTROL r i HOPE TO SNEAK INTO THE pLYMOUTH TRACTOR DIESEL TANK THIS YEAR have to do ir without Nigel noticing though
  17. Think back, locals in P;lymouth teams of the past, Chris Julian, Chris Blewett, Mike Coles, Bob Coles, think they all did pretty well over the years. Lets face it EVERYBODY knows Plymoouth is located off Lands End without any roads joining it to England so its impossible to get there. Unless you are a fish.
  18. as there are comments on the Edinburgh site about publicity thought I would put on here where Plymouths will be. Within the next couple of weeks there will be advertising boards on the Torpoint Ferry, they claim 6 million people per year travel on the grey ghosts. The giveaway Plymoouth Magazine will have 1/4 page ads in May, June and August editions, there is a new giveaway Sports mag coming out will have ad in there, 15000 A5 flyers will be going to caravan sites, Motorbike shops, Tourist offices etc and they will also be available at the ttrack for you to scatter in shops around the city. Please remember that some shops have racks that people are paying a lot of money to be in and they get upset if you 'pirate' add flyers.
  19. Here was me thinking you sent your hair to the local launderette to be washed, dont suppose you saw the article in WMN where it was revealed that a significant percentage of young males have adopted a policy of NEVER washing their hair.
  20. This week 2 politicians who were found to ber thinking about flouting the rules have stood down, you seem to be saying that the speedway executive, the management committee are exempt from any responsibility for their own actions. If the management committe are not responsible for policing their own rules and conditions you are advocating complete anarchy. New MC Neil Machin, Pat Bliss (IF she would take it on), Colin Pratt, Phil Morris Tony Steele , Andy Butler and maybe Rosco. plus a current British rider Finance as before
  21. a complete clear out of all the cirporate body, for years they have thought they are superior to everybody else, its time they felt the weight of real power the uk government
  22. have a look at all those people you walk past in the street one day you might recognise him
  23. Frank Johnson around Exeter and of course Scott Autry
  24. The UK leg of the US tourists visit to Europe has been cancelled due to the ongoing Visa problems.
  25. Basically the problem has been caused by the BSPA rule making bit flaunting government regulations for years why should individual clubs suffer because of the body corporates wrong doing.
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