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Everything posted by Marmite

  1. What an odious and obnoxious thing to say about two people, pathetic, childish and to be honest not sure why I am replying as you clearly don't deserve my time in replying. But, if they are too thick to achieve anything, why are both riding for their country in the World Cup semi-final on Thursday? Even if they don't achieve anything else in the sport, they have achieved that more than most of us will ever do. This forum really is full of horrible, jealous spiteful people. I would like to think the minority, but sometimes when I read it, I do wonder.
  2. Exactly, but you have to understand that some people on are for the want of a better word, idiots. Barker was picked, and fair play to him he wanted to ride, and bless him rode his heart out, and was disappointed when substituted, is that not what we want from a rider wearing a team GB race-jacket. 6 points from three rides is a pretty good return for his WTC debut. What I find totally disrespectful is people on here and that prat Pearson trying to suggest he is not suitable for Thursday. Barker as earned his place, he wants to do it, so we have to give him the opportunity to race and prove his worthy.
  3. I have often thought the same of your posts over the years. Watch it again, it was Woffinden who initially seemed to say something to Drymel and then walked away, only then did Barker get involved.
  4. Woffinden is the team GB petulant little boy that Ward is for the Aussies... not sure our petulant little boy is as talented though. Referring to the Drymel brothers as 'sisters' is school ground pathetic cheap jibe.
  5. It is what I call 'legal cheating'. What they did was within the rules, so nothing can be done about it. Had it happened without the petulant brats interview moments before I might not have thought much of it, but put the two together and it seems it was a team tactic to bring in Holder to go for 6 points next time out. Easy way to solve it.. get rid of the stupid double points joker.
  6. I would consider it a honour and my duty to represent my country, and I would find a way to get the money through sponsorship or even appealing to fans to help cover my costs. Sponsors are going to help because they will be getting TV coverage from the rider appearing on live TV. It's all down to wanting to represent your country or not, if you do, you will find a way to cover expenses. I have said the same in football too, if any player can't be bothered to play for the under-21's as we have seen recently, or pull out of friendlies for the senior team that is fine, they just don't play again for the senior team in the next major tournament. I would rather have players/riders that want to ride for England that are perhaps less taltented, than talented sportsman who don't haver the will or desire to give 100%.
  7. Later in the series would be nice if it was the night the World Champion was crowned would make it extra special. Sadly, the LOC do seem to be bulldozing themselves around the country putting everyone out for the London Olympics.
  8. Just because you were there does not mean your opinion is more than those watching at home. I actually have no problem with people having opinions, provided they justify them... thus, allowing for fair and reasoned debate
  9. A discussion forum is about opinions and debate. I made my case, and I justified my reason for my opinion, that is hardly running my mouth off.. you simply tell me I am wrong and insult me. I may be wrong in my belief, but at least I am prepared to explain why I have my opinion, you don't.
  10. Clearly that is your prerogative, and when I watch it again I may change my mind, but there were clearly elbows between NP and Holder, to me NP did not appear to go offline, but like I say, I need to see it again, and Holder appear to be leaning in. If I am wrong I am wrong, but you seem to have not really justified your opinion other than saying I am wrong and insulting me.
  11. I thought the racing was pretty close at times, but I think you answer your own question perhaps. As these are the top riders in the world, once the first bend is over, unless a rider makes a mistake or goes off-line it's all over, and as these are the top riders in the world, they dont make those mistakes too often.
  12. Well I admit I would have liked to have seen an overhead angle for a better view, but considering your supporting a Poole race jacket, I will disregard your point of view as biased.
  13. Good point, most of his naff'ness is because he gets OTT trying to flog a dead horse by trying to claim a good race was a superb race, that a boring meeting is a great meeting.. he seems to assume his viewers are blind and not watching TV, he can get away with it on radio, not on TV. Stick to his job of commentating like most other sports commentators and he will only be half as awful as he usually is. What really upset me this evening is when he shouted 'let the crowd' bring up Chris Harris I think it was when he won, rather than get to hear the air horns and the atmosphere, prattling Pearson ruined it by shouting 'woooooo'.
  14. As usual, NP is everybody's bad boy. But on both occasions it looked to me like Holder (who can do no wrong to Prattling Pearson and most on here) seemed to lean in on NP, so when NP stood his ground, not really moving off line Holder was forced wide, into Emil, who then lost it. I would have put all four back myself, but I find it amazing nobody as even considered Holder might have been the cause. Had Pearson once again showing he does not have a clue after calling the wrong GP winner a couple of seasons ago, not understanding the meeting reserves can not take a replacement ride. It was pretty obvious really, as if the reserve won they would be in the final. Everyone says this guy has superb speedway knowledge, but he keeps calling lots of things wrong. Shame he never qualified then.
  15. Quick question, planning my first visit to Cardiff is it possible to buy tickets on the gate? I just tried to buy online, whilst I am always happy to pay good money for good tickets, I refuse to ever pay 'processing fee's', especially when the cost is likely to be 300% higher than the actual processing cost. So is there a way to buy tickets on the day without getting ripped off. Might only be £4.80 but I suspect the card processing fee is only 2-3% and p+p costs will be what, 50p maximum? Yep, call me Scrooge, but I hate getting ripped off by ticket companies.
  16. Well that's what speedway is all about, lol
  17. No sorry, it is not as simple as that. Whatever phrase you want to use 'fell, dropped it, knocked off' it is about what caused that event that is the important aspect that the referee needs to address. Did Harris cause his own incident, or was the incident instigated by another party.
  18. Amazing, Monday morning and we are still discussing it, without getting personal... that is what sport should be about opinions that keep you talking for weeks.
  19. Well even if you are right, look at the way Harris responded on Camera. Harris rarely criticise other riders on camera, if at all, but he was furious with NP in the interview, and that was not the face of a man trying to cover for his own actions, he truly believed the push led him to fall.
  20. Doesn't mean they and you are correct in your assumption of the incident. Only one person knows, that is Chris Harris and he claims he was helped on his way. He does not come across as the devious guy, or the type to make excuses. Look at Monday's incident, he had every right to blame Nichols, but he never, he blamed himself.
  21. The more I watch it in those replays from Spook the more convinced I am that Harris would not have fallen without the contact from NP. Later in commentary with Lindback, Jan made the point Linback was in front, he had the right to choose the white line. Same here, Harris was in front, he was clearly going around the line.. until whacked from behind by NP. Sure that is the only question the ref has to ask.. would the falling rider have come off without contact yes or no? If no, then the rider forcing that contact is out.
  22. Ahh, well thought out reasoned responses to my points.....
  23. What a load of tosh..... For four reasons. 1 - He had no guarantee Pedersen would be excluded. 2 - He knew Jason was right behind, so laying the bike down meant pretty strong chances of getting wiped out by Crumpie. 3 - Even in a re-run he must have known Crumpie and Holder would outgate him second time, so even getting rid of Pedersen, he would still have to start again against them. 4 - Harris as never struck me as a rider that lays it down, he takes a fair few on track knocks as Monday showed and does not bail out easily.
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