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gee jay

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Everything posted by gee jay

  1. that's not a bad trick to have in your locker if you're off a dodgy gate 4 or you just miss the start . he can also drop the clutch and leave the others in his dust so that's a 2 trick pony at the very least .
  2. one off finals were won by the best / luckiest rider on the night ( weekend at amsterdam ), many lost because of one bad ride / bad start / snapped chain / bad referee decision etc. no way would jerzy szczakiel or egon muller be in the record books if it had been a series of 10 -12 venues then. titles now are won by the best rider over the season , injuries apart.
  3. weather forecast been consistant all week other than 5 hrs of the 12 hrs of showers now even heavier rain. lovely day friday and sunday so really annoying. we leave at 2.30 so unless they call it off on the back of the forecast alone , which is doubtful as the track would be dust after a dry week , it will be too late for us so we've decided to make do with just a trip to covester on sunday , hopefully the forecast is wrong for all who are going and this is not then the first leg , but it's not worth the risk and we've only got a 4 hr drive.
  4. especially when they're covered in grated red leicester , probably why i'm 17 stone.
  5. i'm hoping this has just blown up from a joke or some hair-brained idea that will be rejected without any hesitation if there is any substance to it . after all where will all the race ready 16 yr olds come from without a strong 3rd tier bringing on the youth and development league riders. and who will be in this league anyway , if those mentioned move up , the bees trackless and plymouth calling it a day there'll only be the colts , stoke , buxton and a lion cubs/hunters side . as ridiculous as it sounds i am worried as i feel there is no smoke without fire and i suspect like a week before the budget when the leaks say £20 on car tax , 50p on a beer and 2% on vat then when it's £10 on car tax, 10p on beer and 1% vat we all think we've got off lightly. so i think they could be looking at 34 .
  6. where do you get that the limit will be 30 that's ridiculous .
  7. that team would get everyone's attention like mildenhall this year. even if the rumours are true and a further drop in points are right . possible 2 x 5 pt riders in there would look a cracking side.
  8. of course people like jcookie has that opinion . if i followed ipswich for example i'd love to have mildenhall as a nursery club so they could develope 15 yr olds for a year so we could acquire them for nothing when they are 16 with no effort , financial or time wise . trouble is times have moved on since the sprockets ,mavericks , pumas , tiger cubs , spitfires and many more graced our tracks. we now have the youth championships and 3 development leagues for that very purpose . the last team to put a real development side together was scunthorpe which lasted 1 year because they were getting slaughered home and away and opposing promoters were complaining that they were having to pay their riders too much money. another fact is to look at all the teams in the N.L . only belle vue , kent and buxton are there by choice. all the rest are there because it was a straight choice between 3rd tier or oblivion . as i see it this same old self-benefiting rubish is going to keep coming back so for me the first thing to vote on at the agm is to change the name and just drop the development tag from the title , it was good enough for the top 2 leagues so it's good enough for us.
  9. nothing wrong with 3 pt averages for newbees unless you want to stunt the progress/ confidence of 15 yr olds from the start. never mind blackburn and smith last year you had flint at reserve for long enough this year . the problem is new average comes into effect only after was it 4 or 6 league meetings ? meaning a side can already be practically in the trophy final and through a rd or 2 of the cup but still have rode in only 3 league meetings. average changes whether a certain number of meetings or monthly should include all competitions .
  10. does anyone know who the photographer was ? or if this might be in the sommerville collection . would love to get this print to put on a t-shirt for my other arf .
  11. they're not, they were due fourteen and a half years ago.
  12. can't argue with too much of whats posted above but not sure richard andrews is a value averaged rider as he's been possibly in the form of his career this year after a couple of not so good years, but hope you're right PTBABRUM as i've been a fan since his newport days and was really pleased to see him mixing it up , and beating some of my own riders when he was there last. also ISLANDER not sure about the 'newbees' or lack of them. the worst kept secret at leicester when i was there was probably no room for a coventry side next season as leicester will enter the N.L. and get a bigger crowd with a side with palin and the thompson twins so that's 3 in one side.
  13. i thought wales and the west of scotland were the wettest places on the planet but buxton must run them very close . mind you i've only been to swindon 4 times , gb v sweden called off after 1 ht , 2 swindon lge meetings one called off after 6 hts and the other after 7 . did see all the ben fund though must have been just the threat of rain that day.
  14. not to mention the thunder and lightning , doesn't look good at all.
  15. real shame about connor mountains injury as he seemed nailed on for this title . other than when guesting for leicester , when he was the match winner even then , been to see coventry 4 times and don't think i saw him beaten once .
  16. i don't think a home defeat to mildenhall is out of the question but a big enough win , i doubt it as the points difference did sound big. i don't even know if baseby and powell are back from their jollies by next saturday . not surprised you missed the announcement as by half time a large percentage of the kids appeared to have become bored and were running back and fore , kicking the bins and each other ,wrestling and generally having a merry old time. shame about the damage to the 3rd bend toilets. any conspiracy theorists out there see a ' bad day at the office' for the fen tigers against the brummies ?
  17. it's on points as was explained at 'half time' by the new commercial manager , eastbourne's are very favourably from the sound of it especially after last night.
  18. with david mason in charge you just have to face that there's strong and friendly ties with eastbourne even if it's only at the top . going to this one so will be cheering on the devils and tom and ethan so that will be strange.
  19. that's 100 times better than a carnation in your buttonhole.
  20. great to get up to the good news this morning , wasn't there so was spared what sounds like a crash that wood , ayres and half the crowd are going to take a few days to get over. hope he's fit and well for thursday ( that's how shallow i am) . could someone help me out ? i'm planning my holiday week , i've got from somewhere that eastbourne ride against both kent and i.o.w on the 1st but both the eagles website and the british website only has kent. can someone give me a definitive please.
  21. the problem is that when there's call off's early in the season there's no effort by either side to get a restaging as there's so much of the year to go then when our usual 'summer' weather hits we get what we have now . the fact we are here again after the summer we had this year just hammers home that nothing will ever change .
  22. strange tweet on martin dugard's twitter page . seems like he's a bit miffed that no one has noticed his new white fence , never mind complimenting him on it . it appears to make the track bigger but isn't that dangerous with some of the reserves in the N.L. oh well , it shouldn't be brilliant white for too long then.
  23. i would have said that they missed henry atkins more than perks as morley around arlington is always worth paying to watch. with the way baseby , wood & ayres have been riding no real suprise that he didn't manage a maximum though . didn't have a programme but i think they had alex spooner at no 3 so as been mentioned always going to be hard for them .nice to see richard andrews in what must be close to the best form of his life .
  24. those angels better watch out now cos' hell be whizzing round on a brand new massey fergusson forever now . bye bob.
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