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gee jay

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Everything posted by gee jay

  1. sounds like good days for the local depot of auto windscreens.
  2. if danyon is the rider i'm thinking of you'll love him. nice lad but put him on a bike and he's a nut job, just have a plan b.
  3. i haven't got a clue other than agreeing with the majority that birmingham look the stand out team. i think most of the rest are closer in strength than last year and if the racing is going to be closer than last year i can't wait. injuries as already mentioned, will play a big part in what happens, or rather the replacing of injured riders will. for that reason i think eastbourne will be in the mix again. i had a go but found i couldn't pick a definite top 6 never mind top 4 , should be a cracking season.
  4. i wouldn't worry you're not missing much. half of it is advertising for 'sunshine tours' and 4 pages of the russell paine story AGAIN. true but how many times must we hear about it
  5. had my copy for xmas, makes a lovely little present for any speedway fan whether nostalgic for the old days or not.
  6. yep that's the one. i guess as the only words i can grasp on the commentary are " CHARRRLEY POWELLLL" that the meeting is from somewhere in europe or newcastle ?
  7. has everyone seen charley powell's crash at a grasstrack meeting on youtube ? he was going well for 3 3/4's of the race. he has seen the bends at arlington has he ? you can discount the loss to his girlfriend it was probably tactical, i bet he had a more enjoyable night than i did.
  8. like him already, gary havelock, joe screen et all. hope young locke will be as good.
  9. absolutely spot on. i lost count of the people that tim said " if you don't like it don't come" and they didn't. mind you the mallets had upset a fare few during tim's reign so they wouldn't come back and let the club die, even most of the long time heat sponsors . i also think somerset had a lot to do with it. there was a massive amount of duel supporters and when somerset were improving both track and facilities and the rivalry grew, when money got tighter people picked one team. bspa sh*t on us by giving the pairs to somerset the night before cardiff we lost the revenue from a massive crowd when tim only had to pay out for a normal league meeting, that was a big loss on food alone never mind thousands in gate money.
  10. i don't think that there is anything wrong with what drury actually said . nobody wants to be giving track time to a possible grand prix/ world cup/ world champion who is going to be representing some other country, not if they're in their right mind anyway. where drury has got it wrong is he's being rather selective with his examples, he should have left it to a general point not picked out 2 names to suit himself. after all he didn't seem to have any worries about giving what turned out to be the best rider in the league a team place last season even though he could quite easily turn out for france in the future as i believe ellis was born in france unlike the spillers who moved to germany.
  11. who needs to make anything up , read your own post." nieve or blind faith " - like you know more about the team than the dugards. "far better sides " i see a couple of slightly stronger sides on paper which means nothing in january . didn't "miss a trick" at all, it would have been hard for kelsey in the main body of the team this year and everybody but you knows it including kelsey. "reserves are pants" that's not you saying that they're rubbish at all.
  12. blimey, i guess that santa didn't get round to everybody this christmas. btw kelsey isn't being kept back for anything he was promised places at 2 different clubs that both changed their minds which has resulted in him being on the sidelines.
  13. kyle hughes jake knight nick phillips ben hopwood charley powell georgie wood
  14. nicki pedersen had it a few years ago and needed an operation to combat it. evidently it effects motorcrossers more than speedway riders. i think it's to do with bloodflow to the forearms when you are gripping something tightly so the wrists/fingers can't hold on and is quite painful. if you want to look it up i think it's proper name is 'carpal tunnel syndrome' or something close.
  15. i know it's putting you on the spot but in your opinion could we have another georgie wood in the making ?
  16. not this xmas he wasn't. obviously know about 2nd two but locke is a blind spot for me.
  17. i have to settle on the £90 as i can't swim. so any problems it's women & children & me first
  18. that depends on if you mean the entrance fee or if you're including £80 for b & b and £90 for the ferry
  19. i know i'm too impatient for most of you on here but just humour me. as kyle, the worst kept secret in british speedway has finally been announced will the final place definately go to powell or will no.7 be a surprise? with 7 or 8 reserves still to be revealed who are the alternatives ?
  20. last year people were dismissing the eagles for being a team of journeymen and unknown novices, the only people this team need to impress is the dugards and to do it on the track.we would be foolish to expect phillips to be another georgie wood but he has more experience of speedway than wood did and he knows that good performances would attract the attention of the rebels so it's not out of the question. a fitter, leaner hopwood should be as good if not better. andrews i wanted back but it will be tough for him to increase his average as i don't see him dropping to reserve this season. knight has totally come in under my radar but the reaction to him signing was very positive with him increasing his average easily and wood himself so long as he can avoid the dreaded 'consolidation second season' should carry on where he left off. if the worst kept secret in speedway is true and the no1 & no7 are hughes & powell, thats not a bad side at all but then again i an biased
  21. i'm with you on this one alex , he seems to be taking next season very seriously and i am expecting him to have lost a stone/stone and a half before season starts. no more looking like he's wearing one of those inflatable crash vests.
  22. you have to be careful that your judgement isn't clouded by the fact that some mdl riders came in after the season had started due to injuries sustained by teams throughout the league. my guess is more will finish the season in teams than be in at the start again
  23. somebody hasn't kept all the sherry for the trifle .
  24. if the charlie who rode for the wasps in their last season turns up he'll win over any doubters before the first meeting is over, lovely man with it. we'll be coming down a few times again to watch this team.
  25. if so why don't they just announce them instead of playing silly buggers?
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