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Everything posted by ukrossifan

  1. Track would have been done during last season but understandibly the Riders apparetly asked for changes to be delayed till winter as they were on an unbeaten home run and didn't want to lose home advantage for a time while they mastered any changes. And that decision paid off as Lions went unbeaten at home in League It's a NON story now 'Whipper' because its being done before next season so get up to speed😜
  2. agree totally, it was 100% a fans vote using whatever criteria we wanted to for 'improvement' in our eyes
  3. I was just stating in the spirit of accuracy
  4. Well, they are NOT the only PL Clubs who 'pay on time'
  5. Niemenen going nowhere if Leicester remain in PL, and also he's just signed to race in Swedish 2nd Tier which is raced on Thursdays
  6. you will as presumably you'll keep your job? 😉
  7. No Tuesdays in UK due to Swedish League where lots of riders ride
  8. yes you'll get 3 points at home v Leicestet but I'd back the Lions to get 3 points v Newcy at Beaumont Pk seeing as your best rider by a mile at BP this season was Richie Worrall and your heat leaders clearly didn't like BP in the League match.
  9. when it comes down to it, he gets paid quick at Leicester and its convenient for airports & fits in with Fridays at Lakeside. When he is sitting at home in Finland making his decision those things might be highest up on his agenda.We'll see.
  10. A long queue of riders wanting to come to Leicester too, with a few touting for a spot on Facebook quite openly. The fact that they get paid quickly at Leicester is far more important to most at the end of the day than any petty squabbles
  11. So what makes you so sure Nemo won't be back? No back up? At times away yes, but if there was no back up we wouldn't be undefeated at home and wouldn't have won jointly the most away matches of any team in the PL this season.
  12. There were always problems its just that there was no Internet, no social media, so fans knew nothing about the goings on. Fans know a thousand times more inside info than they ever did in the past and have more interaction with Promoters than ever before . Most embrace that access positively but the few who abuse that access are just not happy unless they are destructive & don't care if they destroy everyone else's pleasure to achieve their selfish aims
  13. And yours and and the band of two's continual agenda driven digs will only serve to attempt to turn people away . But then you and the band of 2 won't be happy until you have driven speedway out of Leicester again to achieve your agenda's
  14. 1 home defeat after 11 consecutive home wins so the trend is great. Track changes were NEVER put in writing by promotion, THIS TIME is the FIRST TIME the promotion has put them in writing, so will happen. Crowds are NOT dropping fast. They are steady at a level that most tracks would 'die for'.
  15. Team doing good. Track changes being done after end of season. Some of the biggest crowds in British Speedway. Sounds dandy to me but then I don't have a hidden agenda like some.
  16. Great post, Mick. No reply with specifics yet? Mmmmmmm😜
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