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Everything posted by ukrossifan

  1. At least 24 meetings planned at Leicester apparently so comparing with the Berwick season ticket is like comparing apples to oranges as they say
  2. I see Lasse, Adam and Simon increasing averages by more than 2 combined. I can see AR and Lasse each adding 1 and SN adding 1 too, and I'd imagine Lewis B will just about get to 3 by year end. If Lewis B doesn't improve then i imagine Lewis K will get his go and see if he can do better
  3. It has been really good to see Glyn on here, but due to the complete lack of respect shown by the MINORITY on here, I wouldn't blame Glyn if he never made another comment on here. It's one thing having reasoned debate and well worded respectful disagreement, but its quite another just taking the pi*s continuously at every post Glyn makes, which just shows a complete lack of respect and quite frankly a lack of interlect.
  4. away from home, Jan Grav almost always has at least 1 good race away from home when he pops out the start and picks up vital 3rd places also, to back up top 4. I see us getting a few more losing bonus points than the 1 we got last yr to make the difference in regular season and in 2 leg matches
  5. Nielsen a gamble at reserve on his average ??? No way! He's great at reserve on his average !
  6. Attack? Hardly! Anyway Pot kettle and black yet again from you, James😜 a fair summary, I agree.If Roynon stays fit I can see him ending season as No.1. And if he regularly repeats his 14 pts from his last visit to BP we will all be happy😄 A side built with 'away' points in mind I think with riders who give it a good go anywhere. Play off bound and better equipped to win 2 leg meetings
  7. Jim, Robert......reading your latest posts..... Pot, kettle and black, ought to be your names on here 😜
  8. Robert72, you've got all the facts re the track changes in Glyn's "Speedflash" post above, so now there is no 'sensible' need for any further questioning or point-scoring around the changes until they have been completed and we see the results 😜
  9. I heard they are doing all 4 bends, they've never said anything different in any of the press releases
  10. and after changes made, they can practice in it all day 7 days a week if they want to, to get used to it, unlike most other tracks!
  11. Lets just get back to taking about the 2013 Lions Team. All looks good so far on paper😄
  12. agree Cardinal, but as you'll know (if u r an Ipswich fan) the management have done a great job on paper , its now up to the 7 to do it on track😄
  13. Robert72, you would still complain if there were 10 passes every race and we won all 5 competitions, because of your personal agenda (whatever that is and for whatever reason you have it) If you bothered to ask the riders last year on one of the hundreds of opportunities all us fans have to speak with them after meetings when they come into the crowd or in the bar after, you would know that the reason given mid season was correct. And as for Lasse, when the 'Scunthorpe' dirt was added he seemed to enjoy it well enough as indicated by his scoring and passing!
  14. in one later post yes, but not in your original post specifically about that you didn't .
  15. start date of 16 Feb quoted in Track Alterations article on Lions website
  16. It might be better if the point of your reply actually related to what the two facebook posts actually said. Glyn's said MK couldn't afford to ride in PL (that's Premier League) Magnus post said he was available to ride in UK (that's United Kingdom). So, if you read both literally, MK could be available to ride in EL but not PL (due to pay cap) and if that's the case then BOTH Glyn and MK statements would be correct and not contradict each other at all.
  17. agree its only on paper at this stage but that's all we can go on at the moment, and the side has been built similar to Somerset last year who were in contention for all and won 2 trophies, with a strong Top 4 and a decent 5th man with one reserve who should improve further and a youngster who can gate and with more experience should be able to hang on more than in 2012.So it should be a side that's in contention for all honours and hopefully win at least 1 of the 5 on offer.
  18. i made no grand claims unlike the original poster who predicted a clean sweep (all 5 trophies) for Edinburgh 😜
  19. you still think that after the announcement of Leicester's team today ? I think not .😄
  20. look at Doolan for Redcar at end of last season he was great again then
  21. 2013 Team: as announced on Lions website Oh YEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!😄 Kauko Nieminen (8.18) Lasse Bjerre (7.31) Kevin Doolan (7.29) Adam Roynon (7.07) Jan Graversen (4.91) Simon Nielsen (4.08) Lewis Blackbird (3.00) Total: 41.84 The above line-up is subject to BSPA approval. -------------------------------------------------------
  22. I don't think Worky will have either of those two . LolCook has apparently already committed to Edinburgh and I bet Nielsen will be a Lion
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