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Everything posted by ukrossifan

  1. in your own mind maybe. You should credit others for having a bit of knowledge too. I knew this would happen , the track changes called for would be done and then before a wheel is turned the nay Sayer DH haters would slag off what they're been calling for for 2 years. Its quite clear that even if we won every trophy this season and had great racing, this page would still be frequented by a few who would still slate everything for their own narrow agenda's
  2. 1) very doubtful is it that a riders parent thru their child knows as much as you ? As usual you have a very high opinion of yourself for someone who goes so little. ! 2) what DH says goes? God forbid that an Owner and Investor in a business should actual have the final say! (Just like they do in any business!!! 3) changes are a joke?? If you look at the well publicised photos, its easy to see how it's opened up the entry and exits to bends 1 and 2 & in effect shortened the straights! For someone who wants DH to take notice of all and sundry, you have the most closed mind to any opinion differing from yours ! Why not practice what you preach for once!
  3. Robert, some posters on here have children who are riders so know as much or more than you !
  4. From pictures circulating on Facebook it looks like a fair difference in where the kerb was and now is on bends 1 & 2, so lets just wait and see when racing takes place and Glyn has prep'd it
  5. Just doing off track work on infield before Glyn gets going on the track part as I understood from his message on here
  6. better riders than them two have ridden BP but still nobody has been quicker than Niemenen
  7. Don't say you have uncovered yet another example on this page of people not letting the Truth get in the way of a good Dig at the Promotion ?
  8. I see you conveniently ignored my point that the Sky Sports Customers can watch it on their Smartphones using Sky Go App, at no extra cost, so it's not an issue for the sizeable proportion of Sky Customers who statistically will most likely have a Smartphone too😄
  9. If somebody has got Sky to watch the City game and has a Android or Apple smartphone as many will, then they can watch the City game on their phone on the free "Sky Go" App so not miss the Football and be at the Speedway😄 .....it's called looking for a solution and a reason to do something , rather than looking for a problem and a reason not to do something😉
  10. There will NOT be any star guests for Leicester. It is to be the published 1-7. Personally, I would back Nemo and Lasse to beat KK and SN sometime during the night around BP and Roynon to do well too. My guess would be that Cov will win by about 50-40 and it will be a great night and most Lions Fans will go home happy at having seen the match up they've wanted for the last 30 years & will recognise a creditable performance by Lions v an EL side Many Lions Fans DO go to City and Tigers games as well as watch Lions on the same day How come you don't know that if you go regularly to BP???? 😜
  11. yeah , see the man back (KK) who did the first ever lap of the Beaumont Park Track
  12. It's giving the fans what the majority have asked for since we reopened ! And they might surprise you and win. Lol Hardly stupid
  13. Well Leicester has a 'safer' type of mesh fence than in th past as its got 'give' in it with the chains that keep it away from the poles, creating a slight cushion effect, so again, times have moved on from the years gone by since those crashes may have happened. But in any event I give the specific Leicester track evidence that riders have slid off and not reached the fence in virtlually all cases in these practice sessions
  14. Again shows you don't go to the sessions. I've been to them all at some part of the days and nobody has connected with the fence when I've been there, because they are not 'racing' so are riding where they want to ride, rather than where they are forced to ride by the other riders in the race. So the risks are NOT the same. Scunthorpe maybe leave there's up as they have Amateur RACE Meetings in the Winter, which for the reasons stated above is very different to practice sessions with no RACING that take place at Leicester, plus the excellent point Jim made about the Armco
  15. Here we go again, any excuse to have a go! How many Premier League tracks have even got an Air Fence IN the season ?? If you bothered to go to the Practice Sessions you'd know that when the riders are going round on their own, virtually all the falls are slide offs almost laying the bike down and never end up anywhere near the fence! Try saying well done for getting the track into great rideable condition after all the snow, frost and heavy overnight rain!
  16. Somebody told me that Elliott's are allegedly suffering in the economic climate and have laid off a number of employees, so they are hardly going to keep up a sports sponsorship are they! If that's correct how is that Leicester Speedway's fault?????
  17. Robert 72 This did make me laugh reasons why speedway is in a mess, clueless people run it ---------- So what's clueless about the reciprocal season ticket offer then expert Robert ??
  18. Lewis Kerr was riding, prep'ing for the ill fated Somerset meeting. "Do you wanna be in Gem's dog gang dog gang dog gang, Do you wanna be in Gem's dog gang, oh yea...." Lol
  19. Adam says in Speedway Star Interview this week that he's making good progress and will be ready by start of March
  20. At last a topic where almost everyone agrees:-) I have to agree with the consensus too. With not being anywhere near as much room between boundary fence and spectator fence at BP as there is at Brandon, I agree with the no dogs policy at BP
  21. ... Or perhaps it's better when people do something for the love rather than for the money, when you consider that most travelling fans say Leicester is just about the friendliest track they come to as regards stewarding etc and Riders appear to say its like a family at Leicester too. Maybe because its a passion not a job to the people who work there?
  22. try a few different places. You'll get a seat in the grandstand or a place against the fence anywhere around the track if you get there by 7pm or a bit after. Different people like different places as you know. I like either first bend or middle of back straight myself
  23. what planet are you on Jim?So I proved YOUR point by correcting a factually incorrect post with the truth? So sorry, I humbly apologise for stating the factual truth! I would suggest that you visit BP and draw your own conclusions as that's the only way you are guaranteed to build your own view without anyone else's agenda affecting it.
  24. I suppose nobody pleases everyone as some say Rob shouts too much. Lol Lets see what they come up with then judge 2013 when the season starts in terms of how the track changes work, how the presentation works and how the team works . Lol
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