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Everything posted by ukrossifan

  1. Oh yes, Robert, I forgot that with your great knowledge and expertise(in your own mind) of everything in the world your only tactic ever is to belittle anything anybody else says that doesn't agree with your view.Therefore I can't believe you are missing this massive open goal opportunity to belittle the promoter with your expert knowledge on everything Speedway on Friday at 5pm, when if you asked an early question you would still have plenty of time to get and belittle the response and look the big man because we know you'll be right and still get to Coventry in time to Brandon in time for the Brandonapolis....... Oh I forgot, you haven't got the nerve, away from your keyboard have you????
  2. I (like everyone else) don't know yet what the exact effect of the changes will be and nor does anyone else as no races have taken place yet. HOWEVER, what I DO know, having taken the opportunity to walk round the track on one of the open days is that the entry and exits to all the bends have opened up as HAS GOT to happen if they've been taken in even by about 4 feet on every entry and exit and its not a sudden 4 feet off, it's a gradual opening up from 20/30 yards before the old position. It definitely now gives AT LEAST 2 entry and exits lines on EVERY bend therefore giving opportunities, if the riders want to take them, for different ways of riding each bend.If the riders take these lines then it HAS to give the opportunity for better racing. I'm not saying it will be the perfect race track or more could not have been done at much greater cost, BUT opening up the entry and exit lines and giving more room and options has got to improve it, for the riders who use all the available lines. Unless you , expert Robert, can explain the your logic of more room and space meaning no more opportunity. If you widen a doorway by a few inches, bigger or more people can get thru it if they want to. if you make a lift a bit bigger, more people can get in it if they want to, so same logic applies. It's not a case of DH this or that, it's simply logic!
  3. on the Track, I'm waiting to see a few meetings with 4 riders actually racing on the track together before I form an opinion, as I don't see how anyone can form an educated opinion yet without that evidence!On the land, I have taken the opportunity to ask what's in the pipeline and to understand whats happening rather than just stating the bleeding obvious about the look of the land and because I have done that I know the efforts that are being made in these difficult economic times! All I'm saying is that if I had opinions as strong as yours I would take the opportunity to put my points of concern to the Promotion, rather than spend month after month repeating the same points on here. I take it that you are definitely attending the Brandonapolis then? Or is that just another convenient excuse not to go to the Q&A? 😄
  4. well the fact that you think outside the stadium is a dumping ground and a joke therefore raises a question about the lack of development obviously !!And although you don't like it, changes have been made to the track after people complained, after people said for ages that the track wouldn't be changed Again you are making excuse after excuse not to go and ask questions in public. You may have asked in the past but time moves on so why not ask again ? Or ask why the Track wasn't done to your wishes ?? Next Friday gives the opportunity to put your point across so why not take it? You can never guarantee that what you want will happen but there is more chance if you raise your questions in person rather than just repeating your points on this Forum!
  5. seeing as you question and criticise almost every single thing the promotion does I would have thought you had plenty of questions to ask about , The Track? The Stadium? The development of the surrounding land? To name just 3 of the things you have criticised the promotion about in the last month or so.So why would you not take the opportunity of putting your specific concerns to the promotion and obtaining a direct personal answer???
  6. or is your answer code for "I'm (Robert72) a keyboard bandit who hasn't got the nerve to put my head above the parapet and turn up and ask a question and I'll use every excuse in the book not to do so" ? 😜
  7. 😜 great question , now lets wait for the list of reasons why not . 😉
  8. playoffs minimum in League and minimum Semi Final in League Cup (I think there are Semi's) and win 4's and through at least 1 round in KO Cup
  9. and according to some on here saying you like anything about the set up when you actually truthfully do, is 'lieing' too 😜
  10. no I'm not related, its just that I wait till I see a few speedway RACES before I judge, remembering that the vast majority of speedway races even at the 'best' race tracks are won by the rider who gates first
  11. anybody knows that when riders are there to test fitness etc they will ride the mid track line lap after lap, rather than be interested in trying out every available line, so again its all speculation until we see 4 riders in a few proper races. But you don't miss any opportunity to have yet another 'dig' & draw the earliest negative conclusion possible 😉
  12. don't put words into my mouth! all I said was wait for a few races with 4 riders before judging as NOBODY has seen a race on it, including you
  13. why don't you just wait until you've seen a few races with 4 riders on it!Oh No, that would be a bit too radical to wait for before making your complete judgement wouldn't it!
  14. Uneducated? Glad i joined your esteemed club then . 😄The promotion have done the most important thing with an eye on the paying public by still keeping admission prices the same as the day BP opened in 2011 as last time I checked if people want to watch their Speedway live & in person the only thing the HAVE to do is pay to get in, they don't have to buy merchandise , that's a separate decision, which people will decide upon based on their perception of value to them versus how much they like the item.
  15. spot on Volty, like when Breedon sponsored in 2011 it gave access to shale which eased cash flow at a critical time.The value in a sponsorship is the net cash flow effect not just the upfront sum of cash. It's irrelevant how 'big' the company is its the amount of value they bring to LS Ltd
  16. yet another uneducated reply from Robert72.You said the same about the jackets last year, yet they sold out the first stock run and subsequent runs too , even though they were different to the 2011 jacket . Are you naive enough to think every fan is on Facebook and every fan who will buy has commented??? Its a business decision by every business to price point their merchandise based on the cost of the goods to them (which neither you or me know) & an element of profit. Having sold out of the jackets in the last 2 seasons no doubt they have used that data to set the prices for this years jacket. Yes it about promoting but is also about the material quality of the jackets which has been high over the last 2 years rather than the cheap rubbish you would get if charged a lot less. If you don't want one don't buy one but why do you have to rubbish every single thing the Leicester Promotion ever do? Oh yes I forgot , because of your personal narrow agenda, whatever that is driven by.
  17. Why not just accept that it's down to the recession which is neither the fault of BSC or the Council but is a harsh fact of life! Robert, look on Facebook team page and you'll see a fair few people already saying they have or are going to order the jackets, so yet again your view is not shared by all. PMSL
  18. its what nearly all sports teams do every few years
  19. Really like the new logo, aggressive , and a mix of modern and a bit retro too
  20. .... Or maybe he is just fed up with justifying things over and over again to you and the rest of the nay sayers, for whom nothing will ever be good enough !
  21. And you Robert72, checked with all 7 riders I presume, or have I in fact checked with one more rider than you?.... And you are no doubt a former World Champion Rider and League Title winning Promoter of the best supported track that provides the best ever racing in speedway history, judging by your inability to ever accept that anyone else can ever match your expertise on every aspect of the sport? So I bow down, oh fountain of all knowledge, as I am not worthy and my speedway experience is only a mere pin prick on the speedway knowledge map in comparison. LOL!
  22. certain riders have always been able to ride a different line (wide screwed on) to most, around the BP Bends successfully , Hall, Vissing, Gjedde and hopefully the wider entries and exits will allow and encourage other to try the available different lines too
  23. wrong assumption yet again, perhaps I believe it as one of the riders confirmed it to me!And as for Lasse he certainly appeared to love it once the Scunny dirt was added, as indicated by his scoring and overtaking .
  24. Well the Lions riders last year didn't want it changing did they, so that scuppers that argument . Lol
  25. I believe the riders were asked not to use the new areas on that practice day to allow the track to settle and pics I saw on Facebook showed discs on the track coming out of bend 2 on the old kerb line Most people's view I've read was that the problem was not enough room for 2 different lines into the corner at the same time, which the changes are designed to help by slightly reducing straights and widening entry and exits. There are a number of tracks with tighter turning to get round the corners ie:- Lakeside, Plymouth and they still give decent racing
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