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Everything posted by waiheke1

  1. Error on my part Yep Masters will average more than Brady, I'd say masters/Thorssel will be the top 3rd hl.Wheras while I think batch and Kennett (who I think will end as R yes 3rd hl) will average more than Brady, that's far from certain . and equally your opinions were a fair assessment. Atcthis stage all just opinions and as you sat time will tell. Hopefully yours are closest!
  2. Wheras I would see the team:KK - as good as any number 1 in the league. Will he surprised if he's not in the top 3 in the averages. Andersen - the most proven 2nd hl in the league. Will be in the top 2 2nd hl. Kurtz: needs to step up, but would argue only rye poole and kl have a stronger 3rd hl. Well capable of doing a solid job, and definitely decent value on that amperage Holder - 4th in the world u21 champs. Has the potential to be the best 2nd string in the comp, but even if he ends up averaging around 6 he's done his job. Newwman - likely to spend at least half the season at reserve, where he will be arguably the strongest reserve in the comp. Klindt: bargain of the season. Will put at least a point on his average in a league where most riders will be dropping a point. Shanes: will struggle, as will most of the 2 pointers. If he can score 2 at home and 1 away he has done his job. Poole strongest by a nose from kl for me. Yes this is the weakest poole team for dome time, but that's because it has been built to what equates to the lowest team building average for some time.
  3. Exactly - could easily have finished on the podium in 2015 but fir some "overriding" which cost him critical points on a number of occasions. Kasprzak is closer to leicester - 2nd one season, rock bottom the next.
  4. So you have evidence they had no intention of paying them?
  5. Good to know. Those would all seem to be direct costs incurred by MCC as a result of the delays. I'd expect direct costs to MCC to be built into the sub contractor cost. But my point is I'd be amazed if MCC contract allowed for mort and Gordon yo claim for lost revenue. In which case MCC could not claim it as a cost they were liable for as a result of the sub contractor delays.
  6. If the 700k figure includes lost income for the Aces promotion, I would be absolutely amazed if the sub-contractors contract with the council allows the council to claim this off them. I wouldn't be surprised if the contract only allows the council to claim losses the council incurred, which if the council left the Aces promoters to front all the xtra costs, would probably be limited to the lost lease payments ove rhte period the stadium was unavailable - say 3 months worth? I very much doubt the council contract with Godron/Mort contained a clause allowing them to claim LDs off the council in the event the stadium was not ready in time, and in turn I would expect this to preclude any legitimate claim from the council to the sub-con.
  7. On the contrary, I'd say witholding payments was the only leverage the promoters have.If we were to deliver a defective network to our customers and they be claiming LDs from us (while knowing that we were claiming LDs from the sub con at fsult) I would be amazed if they continued to pay for the network until the issue was resolved. I'd also suggest that given the hit to their cash flow, the promoters may have been in no position to pay the council even if they did want to.
  8. Apart from howarth I'm not sure any of the wolves team are bad values on their averages?
  9. No way. I see coventry aa challenging rye house for the last play off spot.
  10. You do irony just as well as starman does...
  11. Because of the cash flow issues caused by the stadium not being ready, which according to Gordon was an impact of around 650k?
  12. Tbf I think the speedway star showed they were risk averse with the delays printing this, it's hard to think they would have printed without having evidencev thst it is at least sustantively correct.I know they printed the load of Bollocks Grin came out with last year, but in that case there was no pending legal action, and in fact they could probably have passed it off as a fiction piece.
  13. I think people on this thread are losing sight of the fact that this was not a typical commercial arrangement. The council have made an investment in a stadium that could never be justified in commercial terms – but the council is not a profit making organization. Mort and Gordon as sppedway promoters – well lets face it, no one is going to make a lot of money promoting an EL speedway team are they? They do it because they love the sport. Accordingly, both sides have probably accepted terms that no commercial organization would I work in the telco industry. If somone came to me with a business case to build a brand new network for a customer, with the network to be leased by a customer, with high credit risk and uncertain future revenues, over a 35 or 60 year period, with no margin, how far do you think that would get? If we somehow decided to do it as a promotional tool or public service, there would certainly be no way we would agree to any LDs –not for direct losses such as additional costs incurred, and even less for “indirect” losses such as lost revenue)- or allow the customer to interfere with the subcontractors during the construction stage (you would when it came to fine tuning the network, which I’d consider the equivalent of the laying of the surface of the track). Similarly, if I was a telco, I’d never agree to a deal where the whole viability of my business plan was dependent on the vendor completing the network ready to go live on a certain date, without having extensive LDs in place in the event the deadline was missed, that would cover me for the losses incurred. However, if I was in a market where there was only one company willing to provide the network on terms I could afford, I’d hardly have a choice. I could either not pursue the business venture – which would be the financially prudent thing to do- or take my chances, knowing a very real risk that I could lose my whole investment. I think we’re all much happier that Mort and Gordon did take the chance, that the sport does now have the NSS in place, rather than see the Aces close, which from posts on here would have been inevitable had they remained at Kirky lane.
  14. Correct, assuming those two are confirmed as Aces which seems to be the common view. Both are better value on their averages than Richie.
  15. Masters no question is miles ahead. But imo the following should be implemented: - foreign riders should not be able to d/u -British riders should get a % deduction for team building - minimum 3 or 4 brits per team And Lawson is surely no les Collins!
  16. kk averaged higher away last year than Holder did!KK Holder and Puk are all world class riders, would happily have had any of them at the Aces. Re Holder v Puk - I've barely agreed with anything Col has posted recently, but I reckon his post above is spot on.
  17. And someone who posts on a thread that they say is not even worth reading...
  18. Did you actually watch any El on sky last year? So many posters moaning about poor quality racing an I can only assume they have unrealistic expectations or didn't actually watch any...
  19. Why are posters indicating that other clubs had issues with monies owed by belle vue? Can't think of anything else belle vue could owe other clubs for, so are those posters simply talking bollox?
  20. I think you missed the 😉 an the reference to there being no racing whatsoever at the first meeting at belle vue last year. ..
  21. Aa a fan of my club? Gavan, as apart from his poole obsession he can make reasonable points. If I was hiring someone? Gavan, wouldn't hire starman to wipe his own are. Preferred poster? Starman without a doubt, comedy gold. Yes he can,though only if they don't support poole though. (He does also call robert72 a troll, but tgat at least is factually accurate)
  22. That was my initial thought, bit on re reading arniegs post I think those posts do support his claim. He claimed that there were posts on the forum about rumours circulating at meetings the previous day. He didn't say posts were made on the forum the previous day. If fred has" got him", it's gone over my head.
  23. Gavan - I think the OP was well aware of this. I'd say it's you who've missed the point of this thread, it's a WHOOSH of Starman proportions!
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