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Everything posted by waiheke1

  1. I'd say Gollob is very similar in many ways to Peter Collins. Arguably the most naturally talented and spectacular racers of their respective generations. Both had long and successful careers yet "only" won a world title apiece. I'd say it goes back to the fact that multi world champs are typically excellent gaters, gollob and PC could get put of the gate quickly on occasion, but were certsinly racers rather than gaters.
  2. I assume a significant portion of revenue was expected to come from non speedway activities, which is alluded to in the report. As the remaining 800 fans (say 15k of revenue) are surely not going to cover all the other costs (including wages for away meetings), even allowing for sky money and other sponsorship revenue?
  3. Why should they be an 8? If they are an 8 it means that once the first averages are in there is an effective 15% increase in tram building limit.To be fair the conversion should be about 1.25 atvthe stage. Otherwise swindon for example would have been better off waiting a month and then signing Doyle.
  4. It won't be very hard at all. A couple of bad results and a team could easily be averaging around 38/39. Are you really suggesting that an 8 point El rider could then come in on an 8, rather than the 11.2 they would gave done at the start of the season?!?So team building average drops by 15%, but new riders team buildinf averages drops by 30% compared to the start of the season? Surely they can't make such a hash of things? Then again, ftom the people who failed to foresee the havoc the EL heat format would have on averages...
  5. Yes when he posts about those days he can be great to read.But 90% of his posts are just trolling. About 4 posts into the thread he responded with something utterly different to tgat asked by the OP. And since he has come back with a load of nonsense. You and I often disagree, but I respect that you always post your true opinion. Gustix just aims to antagonise and frankly i wish he would just far cough and leave this thread to those who have a genuine interest in adding to the discussion.
  6. The quality of post we've come to expect from you. Sad that someone who has seen a lot of speedway should have so little of value to contribute..
  7. And of course before peter Ravn joined them. He won the Premiership with belle vue and the league with Cradley. He could also argue he was part of the aces team that won the league cup, albeit having left Aces after a handful of meetings.
  8. If 100k people typically watch a speedway meeting on sky, how many of those are likely to live a realistic distance from the meeting being shown? 1000? So even if 50% of them were to attend if the meeting was not screened, which seems wildly optimistic, that's a revenue of sat 15k best case for the home team. What payment do clubs receive from sky/BT? Unless it is dramatically lower, the argument to get rid of tv coverage dies not stack up. And that's before you consider the impact on tram and rider sponsorship deals.
  9. And that's assuming the contract doesn't have a "termination for convenience" clause in Sky's favour.
  10. Are you trolling or are you really this dim? Fans have lost their club and you pollute the thread with this kind of nonsense.Bees fans I hope a miracle happens and you come back to the tapes on 2018. One of the sport's biggest names.
  11. Even by your standards this post is a load of crap..the 40000 that attend Cardiff don't know how well regarded tAi is. .by whom? More people attend Cardiff than are members of this forum, so if they cheer surely that indicates tai is well regarded?
  12. and how did not seeking advice from world class riders work out for you?
  13. Not true in many sports. The all blacks are all on different packages. International cricketers from most nations are the same I believe.
  14. Id say in reality Masters is wolves 2nd hl, I would rate fricke ahead of Thorssel.At rye I would consider nicholls/Kennet to be the 3rd hl, and think fricke will out perform both. I think when looking at averages you need to account for what position riders rode last year, and those with high pl based averages when saying who is a number 1 or a 3rd hl. 2nd hl, my error
  15. Bjerre is streets ahead of all of those. Bjerre/Cook/Fricke would be as good a top 3 as any in the league (Cook probably 1.5 off the top number ones, but Bjerre as good as any other 2nd string, and Fricke would be the best 3rd HL in the comp). Sedgeman/S Worrall would be the strongest 2nd string pairing by some distance, and Bewley/Smith would be an exciting reserve combo, if possibly light on points on the road? That would be a play off line up for sure,
  16. That's a charitable attitude to take.At the same time it feels a bit like picking up a mates bird at his funeral, because you don't want her to go the rest of the year without a ride... Might be the best thing for everyone but still doesn't feel quite right .
  17. I like that side. You could swap kerr for bates sarj or Jacobs, though I think he is the best of those options.Feel a bit like a vulture though picking up Bees riders - good to be able to employ a brit, but still feel awful for bees fans.
  18. But I think you can structure the rules in such a way that no team materially misses out, they can simply strengthen their weakest reserve to a stronger brit.
  19. So young/ex edr possibly missing a PL place: Garritty R worrall kerr sarjeant bates nielsen s lambert. I'm sure I'm missing someone. Why not say any side can replace a named reserve with a brit from a list with an average of up to 5 points higher (belle vue could build to 55 assuming they took one from the list). Tough on the current reserves, but surely better for the sport to have a higher quality of British rider riding in the top flight. So Somerset could upgrade Graversen to garritty, kl upgrade bailey to kerr etc. Thoughts?
  20. But a 7 like lindback would now be a 9.8. 7 for Lebedevs assumes an assessed 5.
  21. Right on cue... steve: place on ignore. Or just ignore. Don't feed the trolls I didn't name names...
  22. I wonder what you would call someone who takes posts on any range of subjects, and somehow twists them to have a dig at the same person, thing or club? Would that person be a troll, obsessed or...?
  23. Awful news and awful timing. Sympathies to the Bees fans and hoping this is just a single year. Fond memories of trips to Brandon as a youngster.
  24. Iirc wigg and Ravn both had their only full season on heathens colours as part of that 83 side. How are they remembered by heathens fans?
  25. I'm not sure that's right? I'd assume there should still be a multiplier, but perhaps a 1.2 rather than 1.4. Given the league is perhaps 20% weaker this season there SHOULD still be a multiplier for any prior season averages. Otherwise teams would have just waited a month then re declared with the likes of holder/Doyle added?
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