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Everything posted by waiheke1

  1. No. But you take into account the money you are paid vs the risk. People who take security jobs in conflict zones wouldn't do it for the pay they'd get doing a supermarket security job.
  2. One trick pony who has two world championships? I don't think Tai has any problems getting sponsors. Which domestic meetings to Lewis Hsmilton compete in? Or which GP has Tai pulled out of? Is this the Lewis Hamilton who I believe is not a British tax resident?
  3. Why not tell the riders on the Friday then? If nothing else it would have dented their egos that they were unwanted.But to not tell them til the Monday seems unnecessarily vindictive. Correct. Was it a mistake that no one mentioned KK? Lindgren is hardly on his twilight years at 31. I'd imagine the likes of Kurtz and Morris could potentially push for a place as well. Hopefully Bewley in a few seasons also
  4. Probably first name on your list for 2018 along with Newman on a 3.5. Shame Matt stuffed up with releasing KK or you could have had those 3 plus Shanes as your first four signings for next year with enough points left over for J Holder Kurtz and Andersen, or some other combination of HL.
  5. There gave been countless examples over the years of riders refusing to ride. I recall at Hyde Rd on the 80s alone Ole Olsen refusing to take his last ride (dispute over an aces riders tyre iirc), Bo Peterson and Bobby Schwartz both walking out half way through a meeting due to conditions, and the entire reading team walking out with 3 heats to go. I'm certain none of them were suspended or fired. Here I guess the difference is they were home riders. BUT if I didn't feel safe at work (and I appreciate in my field the worst that's likely to happen is to be hit by an out of control pivot table) I think I would make a stand to. Batch has always been reluctant to ride in sub optimal conditions, but has been KL best performer this season. Holder seems - imo understandably in light of his injuries and Darcys accident - to also be reticent to ride when the track is dicey. But he's been loyal to British speedway over a number of years, and just the previous night had turned on arguably his best performance of the season. Appreciate others will have differing views but imo this is a massive over reaction, and also surely kills KLs play off hopes and will surely impact their crowds as well for the rest of the season.
  6. Tbf the rule is quite clear in this instance. It's just the 2nd time in a handful of days that stevebrum has quoted a rule to prove his point, but totally misinterpreted the rule.
  7. lIrrelevant now but I'm intrigued as to how you interpret that rule as stating that a rider released during a season cannot be resigned by the same team later in the season? Which section do u think indicates that, as I can only see mention of a rider ending the season and not being part of the initial declaration for the new season?
  8. I'd say it's a valid rule brought in to prevent cheating like we saw last year when a replacement was brought in due to a "season ending" injury which turned out to be "season ending" only in the UK. Also don't see how the rule punishes swindon. Instead of finding a permanent replacement with the points available they can choose the best guest by track. Agree they are weakened by the injury.
  9. Why would the bspa be expected to fund this? Surely this would fall more under the remit of a national governing body? Do you have a link to the development policy forcwomen drivers for say banger racing? Out of interest, how many teams do you think a women's development league would contain? And how much do you think each rider would need to pay to race to cover the track hirage etc?
  10. Neal Watson on another thread confirmed no injury replacements after deadline. So presume it would need to be guest coverage in case of injury to a reserve.
  11. So Batch has along with Huvkenbeck been KLs best performer this year, improved hi starting average which only a minority of riders in the league have achieved, and Lynn fans want him ditched 😂😂😂
  12. Those stats would indicate Tungate improving his average by a significantly higher percentage than woffy? And from memory Woffya average would have been inflated by riding in the 2nd string position in last year's format, albeit this would likely be offset by the fact he was up against only the top rival teams. But the stats are clear, Tungate was on a bargain average compared to Tai. And that's fair enough. But if this was Poole imagine the outcry about the lack of transparency.Not a dig at you, or wolves, but a dig at the inability of the sports governing body to do anything competently.
  13. surely the point is that rules should be followed. Whatcis the rule that states u get a facility for a rider racing in a relationship scheduled fixture in a foreign league?
  14. Tbf shovvy was right. If wolves agree eld to release him there should have been no facility. If they didn't it should have been a 28 day ban.
  15. The issue then isn't the existence of the points limit, but the level it is set at. But of course the issue then is filling teams to a decent points limit when promoters can't/won't spend enough to attract the top riders, and the haphazard scheduling also makes riders reluctant to ride in the uk.
  16. It's ridiculous to argue that belle Vue are morally ok but not wolves. Both sides got a rider on a legitimate bargain average. Not sure why you'd say tai was "using" British speedway, I'd say British speedway did quite well out of it as well via increased crowds. FWIW I think the earlier cut off for team changes is the right move, but I'm not going to whinge about wolves making a change that was within the rules and struggle to see anything remotely morally wrong. I would say that every year an average should be assigned to all riders based on their performance in top leagues the previous season if they did not ride EL. But there is no such system and Tai had a recent average from a season he was world champ.
  17. KL are the same. Basically their issue is Holder and to a much lesser extent Porsing. Batch and Huckenbeck have improved their averages,lambert and rose have done their job and Bailey was as poor as expected. Like Poole the poor performing number 1 has been the difference between scrapping for top of the table and struggling to make the playoffs.
  18. The issue is basically that Kk averaged nearly 5 less than expected, throw in the heat 15 impact and you e got a 10 point per meeting swing.Newman averaged a couple less than expected and Klindt/Kurtz got injured and haven't been adequately replaced. Holder hans and shanes have done their job, as did Klindt and Kurtz before injury.
  19. i would assume only 1 would go?. dont think Aces will be too much over the points limit. downgrading Bjerre to Tai might fit?
  20. He''s going to have his fingers out now trying to work out how many weeks that is...
  21. Seeing the thread title, thought this was going to be Jeremy Corbyn Fan and his Diane Abbott fantasies...
  22. Suspect points will dictate needing to let Bjerre or fricke go next season. Or possibly tungate though I expect he will be on a still attractive average.
  23. Hope both smith and bewley are at belle Vue next year, think both could significantly improve their average. Have to say Jack isn't as exciting as his dad was at the same stage in his career, but seems to be a better gater. Am sure averages will force at least one change, but hopefully we can keep the nucleus of the side for next year.
  24. Exactly. There are no better options. Really enjoyed the meeting, Bewley looked superb. Why wasn't he given a reserve berth at the British final? Good effort all round by the aces, hope we can repeat it in the play offs.
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