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Everything posted by waiheke1

  1. although pc did ride a fair few meetings at number 1 for the aces away in 84.And of course, he was never the aces best rider in that 82-86 period, that was mort who rode at 3 (82-84), or 1 (85-86), though a number of meetings (esp 83) @4 and some @5. As bwitcher points out, you pretty much never had the top two from each side in the same race.
  2. Would be tempted to have one of king, cross, alan grahame or phil collins ahead of wigg, given that wiggy had just the one full season as a heathen. it's a pretty impressive line up for sure!
  3. Would still have some on poole at those odds. am I the only one that thinks leicester have an ok team and could be worth an each way bet at 10-1? That said all the teams this year look better than last year (except maybe kl)
  4. crump for me is the best of the three times world champs, on the basis of his 10 consecutive rostrum finishes.the thing with eric is that he was probably only the best rider in the world in one season. And arguably would have won less world titles if the likes of penhall lee sigalos hadnt been lost to the sport.against that, he may well have won more but for hid injury. Tbh I could place him anywhere 7th-14th depending on the day, id say he was my number 11.
  5. how about this:Millen Smith Dent Wells Gatenby Barclay Havelock
  6. Have to disagree sir h. I would say thr gp line ups are generally better than the old world final fields by some distance. Prettt much every year you were missing a couple of genuine title contenders in the final, as well as four or five no hopers making up the numbers. The 80s in particular (81 aside) the final was always missing some absolute top riders.
  7. Simmons, jessup for wimbledon? Though neither rode there while at their peak.
  8. Mauger T rick fundin briggs nielsen crump moore olsen penhall hancock On a different day I might have greg as high as 8th or low as 15th. Another title and I'd have him at 6th, if he wins two more he'd enter discussions on best ever.
  9. can you think of any occasions where what he has done off track (his "private life") has affected his ability to fulfil his duties on track?
  10. Fourthbender - so just to be clear, you advocate an open door immigration policy for anyone whi has a job to come to? And fwiw, football clubs do have to abide by immigration criteria over who they can hire, and the criteria are arguably a lot stricter than speedways. see as an example how it was far from certain that arsenal would get a work permit for paulista.
  11. Cant argue with that side. but if you base the team on performance s for the aces rather than what they achieved elsewhere (and while not an ace): Then mighty mort would have to come in for fundin, who only had one season as an ace. for a british league era aces side (minimum 3 seasons): Mauger ross sjosten morton collins maidment pusey pretty sure it is individual only (exc long track):I make it 17 also? Mauger 6 fundin 5 crump 3 craven 2 collins 1?
  12. I think farndon faces three issues in terms of being recognised amongst the absolute greats.1. He didnt race in an era when there was a world championship, which is generally taken as the key measure of success 2. He was pre video footage being available to any large extent, so those of us who didnt see him race live cant hop on youtube and see how good he was (same applies to prerty much all ridera pre late sixties) 3. Not many still following the sport did see him live I think the first two are the key issues, so while you raised a concern about the likes of craven and moore being similarly "forgotten" im not sure they will because they were world champions. And from maugee collins etc. On there is pretry decent footage. Note: that's not to say he doesnt deserve to be acknowledged as one of the greats, just my thoughts as yo why he will often be missed from people's lists
  13. what does finishing runner up in the aussie u21 champs have to do with being elegible for a visa,
  14. what does finishing runner up in the aussie u21 champs have to do with being elegible for a visa,
  15. I think top 15 of alltime is about right. I'd say a top five of mauger briggs fundin t rick and nielsen. then a next ten in no particular order of p collins craven olsen gundersen n pedersen hancock penhall moore j crump and young. Do u rate the longevity of hancock above the likes of penhall, craven or gundersen who could have won more titles if their careers had not ended while still in their prime? Hancock is certainly unique in having seemingly hit his peak only in his 40s. an absolute gent, and one of the greats for sure, even if not as spectacular as most (any,) of the others on the list above.
  16. Was there a reason you didn't go with a unified german team? Muller, smoli, maier and riss would be a solid top four.
  17. you certainly dont need to apologise. But you haven't been able to provide the grammar rule you think you are following when you use "an hotel" whereas others have been able to prove justification for "a hotel."Not sure how we got here from discussions on visas!
  18. In grammar lessons at public schools do they teach you how to say things like "phwoooaaarrr Nige, super speedway!"Anyway, in light of them mis-leading you around "an hotel" maybe you can ger a refund?
  19. that doesn't really answer the question. The fact that you were taught something doesn't necessarily make it right?
  20. which rule of grammar is your basis for that claim? Both seem to be acceptable, but unless you are not pronouncing the "h" then "a hotel" would seem more correct.
  21. I doubt aussie speedway riders could claim they are primarily based in australia when the uk speedway season runs for half the year? And they are not riding professionally in Australia? I know in australia foreign workers could claim accomodation as tax deductible for the first two years, but that was stopped a few years bsck.
  22. I wouldn't even try to get starman to explain his logic.
  23. its all on the twitter links that scb posted and you replied to.maybe middlo had just received some bad news and hadn't hydrated properly before tweeting?
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