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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. I can see the reasoning behind that, but for it to have any long term effect,,, surely it will have to be the same next year and so on ?
  2. Can anybody put it in a nutshell as to why the limit was dropped to 38 ?
  3. Depends on what guarantee he's on, if any.
  4. If all riders were in CONTROL of their bikes, there wouldn't be many crashes.
  5. Well, in that case, Lasse shall maybe have to earn more money doing his other job.
  6. Whats the average times around Berwick ?,,, a see Luke Ruddick won a race in 69 seconds.
  7. Sounds like a good idea, but would enough turn out to be able to pay the stadium rent ?
  8. Am not saying that Jedd is the answer, but would stick me neck out and say that Simon isn't.
  9. I get what your saying there, but wasn't Kenneth 'newish' ???,,, whereas Lasse has been around a while and, av thought Lasse has been ok upto now, but was pants last night,,, maybe still not right since the Glasgow match ?
  10. I think putting Jedd out with Josh last night, was a bit of a yardstick.
  11. 'Dimitri Berge',,, have you been on the glue ???
  12. Not sure how many changes need to be made, but with the points limit how it is,,, do you swap 'like for like', one at a time, or 2/3 together ? A redeclaration could prove fatal.
  13. As 'bloom' said, a good advert for speedway. There might be a case for having some bad luck,,, but ye shouldn't be relying on luck at home
  14. There's almost a point between them now. With no more fixtures ths month, a think Simon will drop to reserve with about a 3.5 ave. Any thoughts of trying to bring in a 4 pointer to replace him, would have to be acted on sharp.
  15. Can see decent points from, Nicholls, Bates and Richie W.,,, not sure about the rest of the Lions. Newcastle to sneak the win.
  16. Could be something spooky going on there like, if the penny hasn't dropped by now,,,, will it ever ?
  17. 10 miles east of Newcastle and, it would be wet with no chance of gettting the track sorted.
  18. Anyway,,, lets hope Danny is fired up for this one, dunno what they put in his tea last week, but I hope they haven't forgot.
  19. Howay mate,,, we all know what its like at Brough, its amazing to see the tractors get round at times
  20. If you do have a 4pt rider only scoring 2, kick him into touch,,, usually things are won by riders increasing their averages, not decreasing them.
  21. and if your teams 5th best rider is averaging less than 4.00,,,, your probly right in the clarts anyway.
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