A think Lasse is gonna have to average 7.5/8 until the end of the season to get back to his starting average and, Ully needs to pull his finger out to stay in the main body.
Yeah ok,,, but what about Starkey's performance last night ?,,, it could be argued that he thought he was still guesting for the Diamonds, definitely helped us win
Good win in the end for the Diamonds after it looked like they might have thrown a decent start away. It seems that the track was not good for racing/passing and, as Chewie says, disappointing after 'ladies week'.
When you put a, '' in your post, isn't it meant to suggest it's in jest ???,,, a bit like using an indicator whilst driving a vehicle to let folk know your intended direction of travel. A might not always put ''s in my posts, but I don't always use my indicators either,,, sometimes I think it funny to let other people guess.
Vissing had a good meeting last time at Brough, but Jensen was poor. Paul Starke should do ok if he puts a decent shift in, not like his lame effort last week (didn't even win a race)