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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. Although I wasn't a impressed at the Ully signing, I have to say that he has come in and done a great job. He would be 1 of the 4 Diamonds I would keep, but not sure it will happen.
  2. Sarj was very good at the tapes the other week and, put in a decent effort,,, I would say that he passed the interview stage
  3. Would Australia not be far enough like?
  4. Funny you should say that Dave,,, I've been imagining a speedway track inside the NH course in the Park,,, it would be great, speedway and NH racing in the same place,,, am in Obviously not at the same time tho
  5. and if Desperate Dan had've found a way past Teesside Tom in ht2, things might have been a lot closer. Not to take anything away from Wright's ht13 btw
  6. Good job it wasn't Rob Grant snr''s leg, doubt even the Titanic would have gettin past that
  7. Wrights decision is shown as XD, whereas Barkers is shown as XO, (SGB WEBSITE),,, hope this helps clear things up.
  8. Not sure like, I've a feeling that there might be only 2 of the current squad back and, we all know who one of them is
  9. Don't apologise, I said both of his wheels crossed the start/finish line, which would be expected not long after the tapes went up The video evidence is great, for clearing people's name or getting them off with stuff they didn't actually do, Eastbourne ring any bells?
  10. If that was the official reason, it makes the decision look even more dodgy. I agree with the Barker one tho, I agree that Danny looked slightly out of control, whereas Barker never does
  11. Aye,,, but that's the sort of thing you'd expect from a bunch of kids on a Friday night down at the welfare.
  12. They'll have to have plastic bottles next time, if there ever is one A bet the stadium owners would have went mental over it, they twist on about bits of shale.
  13. Their probly still there now, untouched. But just leaving your empty glass bottles around on the dog track is totally unacceptable, even in Walker.
  14. The whole lot of them should've been fined for leaving their cheap prosecco bottles lying around on the dog track, all 7 of them!!!
  15. No idea mate, but he would have probly been ok at doing snooker. Not trying to 'diss' him btw, but a don't think anyone must have checked his CV.
  16. Agree,,, not long ago, after Dalbers and before Roy, we had a guy that could probly tell you at what stage the paint was at whilst it was drying. Announcers have to be very careful about what they say in today's over sensitive society, but I can get away with Roy, as I don't always listen to what he says, or waffles on about
  17. Don't forget to mention the free hot drinks and bicky's
  18. The good thing about doing it on paper is,,, if you don't get it right you can always make aeroplanes
  19. Av heard that there is a plan in place to lessen the 'shale breach' for next season. Whether or not it is implicated is another matter tho. Hope your feeling ok/better btw.
  20. THJ, I was stood in the grandstand, a bit higher than yous but below the referee and, I agree with the refs idea of it. The folks around me looked astounded as I called it before the white light came on.
  21. So, we could be looking at a new era at Newcastle Speedway next year then?
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