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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. Well that's all starting to sound a bit better, hopefully hear something soon. Dave'll naa, he's been quite quiet, which usually means he knows something
  2. Am sure your just making some of them names up, but the guy with the golden egg on his head looked quite interesting.
  3. Not a bad looking side that, Covatti would bring some entertainment. Is Alfie still riding, thought I read he was jacking it in, (but was probably on here, so maybe needs a bit salt)
  4. Dunno about that, but just saying that if speedway was to be a success in betting shops, it would need to have definitive heat times,,, not like 61.09, but like 19.30 then 19.35 and so on. No messing about with dodgy tapes etc,,,, punters would easily be put off.
  5. I used to think that, but in speedway for betting purposes time keeping needs to be improved a bit.
  6. Surely tho Steve, that average is quite a bit out of date, so maybe a new assessment would/could be made? Btw, that golden helmet/hat/thing needs to be redesigned,,, you'd have to be either brave or embarrassed to wear that
  7. At the end of the season, the average of averages should never be above 42. What is this season's average average?
  8. Ok, swap Bjarne, Lasse and Danny, for Vissing, Ludde and Alfie.
  9. I think each qualifying rider gets it applied once to their starting average and their GSA just continues from there. I don't think a rider can just keep swapping clubs and expect to claim a discount every time. If that's what you mean
  10. Was just chucking some numbers together Steve.
  11. How about,,, Bjarne 11.05 Matty W 6.92 Ully 5.98 Lasse 5.97 Max 4.93 Bucky 4.00 Danny 2.17 = 40.92
  12. I seem to remember seeing somewhere in 2018 season that his average couldn't drop below 4(when he went thru a quiet period) Also his final 2018 figure was 5.78, which is the same as his 2019 starting figure, just saying like. I have had this debate before with some fans and, as well as you know, its sometimes difficult to get folk to understand.
  13. Don't think Wethers gets a reduction, so it might be 40.99,,, which is pretty close Bjarne???,,, an 11+ ave. Looks off putting to most, but if the same rules as apply as they did last season, ie. Masters, Ellis. Would his average change after the first set of GSA's?,,, as long as he'd completed in any qualifying fixtures? If so it might be worth a serious look at.
  14. That might give you an idea and, it sort of ties-in with numbers that I have heard.
  15. Yeah Arthur, but what you've got to remember is that America is a big place.
  16. It used to be, then it wasn't and its probly something else now, hope that helps
  17. Yeah, I did comment on something along those lines earlier on,,, dunno about moving Birmingham north, or Leicester, depends on where they draw the line on the map. I was also bearing in mind some comments on the 'fours' thread, which I think Steve has just highlighted.
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