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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. and it's closer to the railway lines, so it'll be a bit noisy anyway.
  2. Yeah, its amazing what will find it's way to you easily, my document, (am still waiting for),,, is gonna get me some cash back, funny that?
  3. Av been waiting 3 weeks now for a document that was sent 1st class and, when I spoke to the people, basically thats what they told me, its down to the Royal Mail. Funny tho, all me bills seem to get here on time!!!
  4. He's areet, bit of a dodgy character so you should get on with him. A bit negotiable, but depends on what your looking for. Don't go round tyre kicking and divent mention the Saab
  5. Have you tried him over at Ryton van sales?
  6. A got them once on the way home from Mr.Broons one night, but don't do seafood generally.
  7. Must have been along there hundreds of times Dave, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day.
  8. Dickies are good, 'head lice' sounds more scary.
  9. A think there's gonna be a lot of head scratching going on again this winter.
  10. Does this NSSG gain much/any interest from this forum? Am not one for techno-wizardry, but would it take much to post general releases simultaneously, like website, Facebook and the forum,,, it's all just copy and paste stuff isn't it?
  11. He's like a bull terrier at times, once he gets a had of something, he doesn't wanna let go Nah, a think a get the gist of what THJ says, about being open and honest and tend to agree. But a think you need to be careful of what you tell folk, as by the time everyone adds a bit on, its ends up totally different. Some folk work openly with others and do well from it, but some might get easily offended, so maybe its about trying to get the right balance?
  12. Is their not an area at the top end of Arcot Lane where they use for moto-x bikes and stuff?,,, sure it was all legal.
  13. Aye, 'pragmatism', that's probably where it hits the wall.
  14. I would think that depends on how much money the bookies make from the dogs in shops or online betting?,,, maybe the dogs days are numbered, it's so 'Old Hat' (flat cap) nowadays.
  15. Where would that leave the dog racing, Gosforth Park, perhaps?
  16. Yeah but Dave, when we come out of this crisis, there's possibly gonna be millions unemployed. If there is anyone left that wants to invest in the future, maybe provide work/employment for the area, all avenues need be looked into.
  17. Was talking to my old boss last week and, he was on about 'new planning regulations', (or non at all, depending on how you look at it),,, that the government are trying to push thru during this coronavirus carry-on. He was saying that you'll be able to build what you like, even build upwards on properties you have/own. Dunno how that fares with sports venues tho, a think he was implying that it would favour the developers and not local residents.
  18. Just wandering how many fans live close by or rely on public transport to get to Brough? Also, would a far flung new location maybe attract new fans?
  19. Yeah, but it was only for folk to get the gist of it.
  20. Newcastles track takes up about 2 acres. The likes of Berwick and formerly Workington, went round a football pitch, which is about 1.8 acres.
  21. Is that one of then dirty things you watch?
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