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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. If you look at the bigger picture, you might add Birmingham, Poole and Wolves to that list, who all seem to be hit by running under current restrictions, not sure if they have the same problems tho?
  2. Many folk don't like change, stuck in they're ways and that,,,
  3. A think you may be overlooking the point that some folk aren't happy/easy pre-booking they're ticket.
  4. How would you order and pay for the ticket, before its delivered?
  5. Gotta say, a great collective effort from the Diamonds fans and, fans from other clubs. Wouldn't want to single out one or two.
  6. A wouldn't expect it to. We had set up a 'WhatsApp - Saturday afternoon posse',,, a think it's been knocked on the head because of the current pub booking carry-on.
  7. It's the same as booking a slot for a pint, the novelty will soon wear off.
  8. Totally agree, honestly,,, but depending on what restrictions are/will be in place will affect everyone on a different level.
  9. What as was trying to say John, was that this pandemic thing is possibly affecting folk in different ways, financially, physically or mentally. It may effect what folk will/can't do and, a further month delay won't help. I for one, am finding my Sundays difficult to do under current restrictions, but will do what I can for another month, but say restrictions was gonna go all the way till the end of the season, a can't say I could.
  10. Aye but John, 21st June was meant to be the golden carrot. For a little while now its been rumoured that it wouldn't happen and, if you carry on dangling the carrot, eventually the donkey will work it out that it's never gonna reach it. So, just another 4 weeks, 15 months after the original 3 weeks?,,, its barmy.
  11. Might have something to do with the controllavirus thing too?,,, some folk acting very bizarrely nowadays.
  12. It's a shame 'Super Steve' didn't guest last week instead of Terror.
  13. Mid season already isn't it, how much longer will it last?
  14. Isn't because of Danish restrictions issit?
  15. He should take something for that.
  16. Thought you meant the tablet form, for moods and stuff.
  17. Do you mean for Josh, or his bike?
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