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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. Think Complin will start at reserve for Newcastle.
  2. You're body sweat's to cool itself down,,, you may not need too if you're naturally cool.
  3. Yeah,,, but could you get there and back on 2 quid petrol?
  4. R I,,, start a mass debate, then come out with that old chestnut??? Covid!!! phhh,,,
  5. Maybe some more than others, but didn't in any way have anything to do with the Gems being disbanded?
  6. Ok, but not all club's have the same overheads, stadium rental and stuff.
  7. So, do you not think the 'covid situation' put an extra strain on their financial situation?
  8. and what about all the people that couldn't pay on the gate, or do online bookings,,, like old people and stuff?
  9. Suppose it depends on the darts EMA, some are better than others?
  10. A get what you're saying, but that's what folks want these days. Salad dodging on the settee,,, only hardcore left.
  11. Who,,, what average will he come in on and, will he be ok to get a visa?
  12. A wonder what Newcastle look like when Compo's ave. comes through?
  13. Was gunna suggest THJ, but seen they mentioned 'brief account' and thought otherwise.
  14. How long do you think it'll take to get a md's drivethru sorted,,, or kebab shop?
  15. Ooh ok,,, don't get ya knickers in a twist!!!,,, sorry for not taking in all the story beforehand.
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