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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. agree,,, no one drag's them along kicking n screaming,,, they do it for fun, (and money) a see what you did there ;-) does he eat a lot of chips ??? or scrap it, lol
  2. and don't forget about the collection for 'Rays' Skoda tyres,,, that's if he still needs them, might of scrapped it by now :-(
  3. you got more chance of finding hen's teeth,,, but still,,, enjoy the rest of your day out ;-)
  4. well,,, with all the number crunching you've been doing, ye should be ok for your Maths, lol
  5. that's not dis-similar to speedway then,,, bieng in a stadium full, (not exactly),,, of quiet speedway fans, filling their program's in,,, hey-ho
  6. I will be,,, there's always a silver cloud, made out of stella cans,,, :-)
  7. are you having a party ???,,, if so, can anyone go,,, and BTW,,, have a good un and good luck :-)
  8. what's he gonna do,,, 'the glory of love' in the interval, or bang out some old 'chicago' tunes while they do some track grading ???,,, a dunno :-(
  9. without the solid scoring of Henry and whatever Anton could come up with, (at least 6 or 7) ,,, you might be correct there, like
  10. hopefully the weather does'nt scupper this one,,, and the training school beforehand, heared some fresh raw talent might be calling in ;-)
  11. could be rained off :-( maybe that decision turn's out to be a 'hasty' one now,,, but youthfulness does'nt come with experience :-(
  12. maybe what they shoulda done, was,,, have Lambert as a fast-track reserve, along with Rose,,, and used Kerr as their double-uperer, (from his previous seasons average),,, hindsight is marvellous is there not time to get these changes in place before deadline ???
  13. he's only got six,,, unless he has'nt got any thumbs,,, it's hard to tell :-)
  14. it all seem's a bit sad when someone is missing their loved ones, while their too busy at work,,, earning and enjoying what they love doing,,, it's not like their getting dragged along, kicking and screaming not wanting to do it,,, MONEY, the root of n all that ;-( if ye don't like it, leave,,, there'll always be someone to fill your boots,,,
  15. I'll give you a gallon of petrol and some matches, (not safety ones) ;-) 2 for 1 offer available, lol
  16. so really,,, as R Lambert would be a new PL rider, his criteria should allow him to come in on a 3 pt ave ??? he has'nt actually got an EL ave, (yet),,, so why can't he be signed before he has ???
  17. only two double-uperers,,, end ov !!! unless,,, Kings Lynn drop one of them,,, mmm
  18. no one is 'too good',,, if the averages allow, why not ??? it might actually help others improve, is that not what the reserve draft system is for ???
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