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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. now there's a one,,, seemingly at Berwick v Newcastle last season, can't prove anything, but did look a little bit suspicious ;-)
  2. nono,,, just give it to the team that's scored the most race points,,, :-)
  3. only if you get caught,,, this makes for a long thread ;-)
  4. I always thought it was 'as rough as a badgers rr's',,, baboons have got funny bum's tho :-) would love to see it,,, but don't think so this time :-( a wonder what's happened there then,,, a report earlier had said that some-one was seen throwing a pacifier out of a vehicle on the A19 by Nissan,,, but, then again that don't mean anything,,, it happens quite a bit down that way as I am led to believe ;-)
  5. well,,, just get pished there too, so that you don't remember ;-)
  6. mmm,,, so,,, as long as Danny has got his 11.18 average,,, IF we were to make team changes, they would have to be on a like for like basis, one in, one out,,, as a re-declaration would have to absorb Danny's falsely high average, but we can use a better calibre of guest if he's missing,,, so it works both ways really ;-)
  7. do you mean,,, say, why does'nt he/they just slip into rolling averages ???,,, like you say, it does all look a bit shady,,, but to be honest, if Newcastle can utilise better guest's,,, champion :-)
  8. now now,,, talking about gating,,, and a couple of punctures,,, the starting gate area looked to be a little bit rougher than usual, a few times it resembled riders crossing a cattle grid,,, could there be a link ???,,, just a thought :-)
  9. like crystal,,, well,,, at least we get to use 'the can't Cook, won't Cook' chappie on Thursday, as Aaron must be busy elsewhere :-(,,, oh yeah :-)
  10. oooh,,, a bet that nipped a bit :-(,,, best wishes on his recovery :-)
  11. what,,, even easier than Scunny ???,,, should be max's all round then ;-)
  12. be ok ???,,, might even be better, (for a laugh like,lol),,, IMOO,,, in my opinion obviously, obviously, (or that might be IMOOO)
  13. was wondering why that was myself,,, probably down to incompetent staff, (you know the one's, that are employed to do a job, but just don't do it),,, maybe it's a new rule that no-one has made up yet,,, could be due to people being away on holiday and staff being stretched, with a huge back-log of work,,, or maybe they've just forgot, leaving a loop-hole to exploit,,, a dunno, but am sure the problem will get sorted :-) I have'nt seen that Danny is missing this one yet, officially,,, is Summers likely to be busy, he would do,,, or if not am sure we could be ok with r/r against those 'Rye House Sparklers', lol,,, IMOO
  14. with regards to the post at the centre of this controvesy,,, there was no-body being called anything,,, I may have implied things, I admit... but, on the other-hand, only 15 minutes later, on another thread I did call someone something, but bizzarly this seems to have gone un-noticed, yet,,, the other forum member actually replied to it,,, maybe it was closer to the truth, a dunno,,,
  15. if we are without our No. 1,,, could we not utilise 'Witchie Worrall',,, if he's not too busy ???,,, just a thought :-)
  16. and that's exactly what I did,,, clearly,,, a common sense post,,, different people take other's opinion's in different way's,,, some take offence and some don't,,, don't give it away, if your not prepared to take it back,,, it's like tying a dog to a tree,,, with regards to the comments about a certain health service,,, I seem to remember defending them, for no particular reason, apart from the fact that I felt they were unjust,,,
  17. yeah,,, I'd bet it does happen at every club,,, and fans will have different opinion's about partitcular rider's,,, which will probably result in some kind of debate, which this is, a debate,,, I cannot help the fact that some people find my comment's, as a 'personal attack at them', and I also cannot help the fact that other people reading other post's as 'being personally affected' by them,,, if you want to have a go at anybody, fair anuf,,, but, when they are doing ok, just trying to find any kind of crap to still have a go,,, take's it a bit far IMOO,,, maybe you are,,, most people are, that's the way it is :-(,,, he may be frustrating, and people voice their opinion on that,,, the same goes with this forum,,, I find some poster's frustrating, so, I voice my opinion on that,,, am I wrong to do it ???,,, as opposed to being right,,,
  18. the 'Failings' being the word,,, all Newcastle's rider's have some kind of 'failings',,, but, IMO, singling out one in particular' appears to be biased towards the rest,,, only IMOO
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