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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. was'nt sure about Worrall,,, as he went to Edinburgh from the NL last season on a 3,,, and thought Kerr was just starting his 3rd season from out of the NL,, not sure how the rules work tho :-(
  2. arr,,, a better have a lie in then :-(,,, see ye Sunday 26th :-), everything should be done by then, lol I was just saying about people being 'over sensitive' a while back ;-)
  3. 6.18 plus upto 0.47 if we get a reduction for the 3 English chaps :-)
  4. Yeah,,, gotta agree there, seems to be really happy to be at Newcastle,,, :-)
  5. ok, yeah PPM,,, I do see what you mean, it was only in jest,,, I do think that some folk maybe over sensitive these day's, it was a bad choice of word, whereas if I had of used 'silly', it would have the same meaning, but would be easier on the eye,,, sorry if anyone is offended by my post, and I don't want to be seen to be calling anyone name's, even tho it does go on, on here, but many would not like to admit it :-)
  6. well,,, if your stupid enough to put the sheet's down in the rain, your certainly stupid enough to pick them up when it's postponed,,, fair enough, it's different if it rain's during or after the meeting, which to be fair does'nt happen that often :-) oh,,, forgot to mention the free dinner dance ticket aswell ;-) well,,, if they had their 'uniform' on,,, someone should tell on them, they might get wrong, or lose their job,,,
  7. Well,,,the shop, am sure some stuff is that out of date, it'll have be thrown out soon, a dunno :-(
  8. I'd bet that some of the track staff/sheeter's ruin some of their clothes and go thru gloves and have loads more washing to do,,, maybe they could be rewarded with a hoodie, or t-shirt, so people can recognise them, if people are trying to sneak in,,, no uniform = no entry,,, even if it was some out of date speedway gear ;-)
  9. a think you forgot to ask, if the rider's would ride for free if need be, to save our speedway,,,
  10. there has been some pretty simple proposal's made to help quash this, but it needs to be policed,,, you would make a good 'speedway policeman', so would I,,, no,,, they tried to smuggle them out :-)
  11. definately,,, it'll be better than seeing him in 'Smoglesborough',,,
  12. yeah, but maybe cos he went back into the NL to start afresh,,, some might be hoping he can qualify for it from then, a dunno but if the rules are malleable, am sure George will hammer it out
  13. if we do get a reduction for Worrall, Kerr and Rose,,, according to my abacus, we should have about 10.01 points to play with and every little extra help's,,, so it could all pan out to be a different kettle of worm's :-)
  14. is there a FREE BAR,,, a would blow a shift if there is, lol,,, 'All the Best' to all on here :-)
  15. or maybe their waiting to see what the decision is regarding Holder,,, might go for him and a 3 pointer ;-)
  16. maybe they've got a 14 day, no quibble right to cop out,,, and it has'nt elapsed yet :-)
  17. maybe they've unearthed some 'wonder kid',,, a think if it is a mix of 2 of the 3 mentioned, they won't fill everyone with optimism, but they'll do a job,,, only IMOO :-)
  18. a hope it's not onto the air fence,,, TS would go mental :-(
  19. you might be onto something there like,,, :-)
  20. Well, a broken clock is right twice a day, usually, lol
  21. nobody said you were'nt,,, if everyone was of the same opion, there would'nt be much to say, apart from, yeah, yeah, yeah and so on,,, I like the doom n gloomers, they make me laugh,,, 'Merry Christmas' :-)
  22. would'nt be the same without them :-),,, a mean :-(
  23. well,,, you can take me out of the 'we',,, but I think he has the potential to do well at no.1,,, slightly worried about Steve, but happy with the way it's looking :-)
  24. good news,,, so that's Lewy Kerr at no.1, he's maybe not an out n out no.1 (yet), but he's a no.1,,, :-)
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