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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. do you know if they have any speedway riders there ??? did they have any trouble getting their visa/work permit's ???
  2. would people from The Falklands be ok for a 'visa' ??? ;-)
  3. Maybe we need to back a political party that would put our interests first, my vote alone probably wouldn't be enough to swing it tho :-(
  4. I do understand what you's say, but in today's society find it might not be very 'PC',,, I am not responsible for today's political climate, but we are all in it :-)
  5. A no, is' nt it ??? but it would be good to find out where it all went wrong, or right, lol
  6. So, I see,,, proper old can of worm's speedway is, hmmm
  7. with all the controversy over 'who should and who should'nt' be here or have been here, make some of these ownership's illegal ???
  8. does anyone still think this is all 'Somersets' fault ??? as we are all now led to believe that, most club's have been acting 'illegally' for some time now,,, maybe Somerset had got B Kurtz and J Holder's averages from the DVLA,,, easy mistake to make for some folk, and in doing so have tore open a wound that nobody really cared about,,, if Speedway way get's run correctly, and within the rules/law, maybe it will have a better future and then 'Somerset' could take all the credit :-)
  9. is there not some Commonwealth Counties in Europe ???
  10. Maybe, he has been a victim of 'repeated concussion',,,
  11. thanks,,, why did'nt ye just say that ??? ;-) ye learn something every day,,, how many youngster's would know that word???,,, lol
  12. I was taught that 'an' was to be used before any word begining with a 'vowel',,, but I was also led to believe that a 'visa' was something you used if you had no cash, or needed to 'chucky-on' for a bit,,, and I'm pretty sure that, that bit is'nt grammatically correct ;-)
  13. no,,, its not to get confused with 'viagra',,, 'send in the clowns' :-)
  14. should that not be 'crying' ???,,, lol
  15. I'm pretty sure that everyone involved in speedway, from owner's, management, riders, mechanics and all the way down to track staff, follow the letter of the law at all times,,, so if at any time they didn't, surely it could be regarded as cheating,,,
  16. You couldn't make that up, 'class' :-)
  17. Do you think the German's caused all that trouble, just to sell 'marmite' ???,,,they'd have been better off using it as a weapon, thing is tho, it's so bloody expensive :-(
  18. Well, we stopped the German's (all of them), coming over twice, but that stuff has still found its way here,,, you just can't win :-(
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