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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. dunno how much the 'sky sports' subscription is, but had an offer for it for £15 per month - 12 month deal tho,,, good value ???
  2. it wasn't so much a 'comment', t'was more of a question,,, at the time I didn't have the answer to hand, but had a 'feeling' that there was, and after 'googling' it, I found that along with the UK, Cyprus and Malta were both 'Commonwealth Countries' within Europe,,, although 'google' may not be 100% accurate, it's pretty reliable :-) as for topic in hand,,, how about, 5.99 each, or 2 for a tenner ???,,, (for non-Brit riders),,, for those that seem to have been side-tracked ;-)
  3. So, it's a 6, but what about the one's that are rubbish after a season ??? :-( This thread just keeps on going round and round, like it's still on the bobbin,,, maybe speedway is for people that have the attention span of a hamster, just going 'round and round',,, as fast as they can,,, and the fans are people who watch hamster's just going 'round and round',,, but never actually getting anywhere,,, a dunno :-(
  4. A bit of light at the end of the tunnel :-)
  5. You summed that up pretty well,,, I tried, but diplomacy isn't my strongest subject :-)
  6. well, look's like some good news for Diamond's fans,,, IMO ;-)
  7. people in glass houses, shouldn't walk around naked, unless they are hankering attention,,, well,,, now that 'cbbies + 1' has finished and everyone has got their jarmies on, (and been for a wee),,, who wants to hear a story about a wicked old man and the enemies he made by saying stuff, that was'nt entirely true ??? "what's that Iggle-Piggle",,, you've heard this one before and everyone is full of sh!t,,, so your not bothered anymore,,,
  8. so it's a 6 then,,, me and Dave have decided, what to do with them if there sh!t, is up for debate,,, and Dave, it's a 6, nevermind 'ish',,, your just complicating things,,,
  9. agreed,,, and if their not good enough to up hold that average after 1 season,,, kick the ffffers out, simple,,, see Dave,,, their at it again :-(
  10. I'm not sure we are debating on how many Bulgarians are here, and how many Brit's are there,,, but if you are suggesting that we should maybe allow more in to even the 'percentage' up, that's up to you,,, I was only saying that not everything that you see on the telly is true, and the fact that if 'Dirty Den' was your neighbour, you may be inclined to move away, as anyone that has watched him on 'Eastenders' in the past, may feel that he is a 'bit of a dodgy bloke' and might not want him looking over their garden fence,,,
  11. so it 'was a dump', was it ??? well thats what you get for booking a cheap holiday, ye tramp ;-) and I have been trying to get back on topic a few times on this thread, but it keeps getting 'hi-jacked' by people wanting the 'final word',,, NOW,,, where did it start, arr yeah, 5 or 7,,, discuss,,,
  12. why,,, do you think you would struggle to get a visa/work permit ??? :-)
  13. errrr, posh as well,,, well, you went there on holiday Dave,,, that doesn't make sense, after your earlier post about people going there on holiday,,,
  14. not everthing on the 'telly' is true tho,,, and anyway,,, no wonder so many Bulgarian's want to get out, now that 'Dirty Dens' turned up, du du, du du du, du du du du du,,,,
  15. it's not a fact,,, it's his opinion, in which he is entitled to, so you should'nt tar everyone with the same brush, it would be quicker and more efficient to do it with a roller, but it would probably be against 'Health & Safety' regulation's anyway, especially in 'Britain', ;-)
  16. that make's sense, but thought it might have been an avenue worth trying, especially when you learn about 'other irregularities' that may or may not have been going on or not ;-)
  17. were you not there on holiday Dave ???,,, I know people that have been there, cos they said it was cheap and beer was only, like 30p or summit,,, and the comments you made, could be said about lot's of places, including parts of 'Britain' :-(
  18. so, we can assume that Worrall doesn't get a reduction, even tho he came from the NL, into the PL only just before last season on a 3, or did anyone try that option/route ???
  19. thanks for that,,, was'nt sure if he did or did'nt, or both :-)
  20. I hope this does not open a debate on,,, 'Number 1 or not a Number1',,, oops ;-)
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