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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. yeah agreed,,, but Ritchies new ave. is 3.56, which looks like a step backwards (our lowest is 3.67),,, so unless there was multiple changes I couldn't see any potential benefit :-)
  2. so, lots of permutations available, with just over 2 pts to play with :-)
  3. I thought we were looking to strengthen the team,,, Ritchie has been around some time now and, never really set the world alight ;-)
  4. I can understand why some people might get miffed at someone 'show-boating' at the back,,, but the kids enjoy it and, TBH, do many younger kids actually give a toss about the score anyway, as long as their entertained, (they are the future fans) :-)
  5. yeah,,, but after a period of time, both bowls will be at the same temperature,,, as long as they are not tampered with :-),,, or, if the said man has wooden legs, it shouldn't make a difference anyway ;-)
  6. Does it not replace the 'washed out' fixture from May,,, maybe some silly sausage has forgot to update everything ;-)
  7. Yeah, won't be easy, but do-able,,, don't think Newcastle have an easy cup route after this :-(,,, get past the Scorps and have some tasty ties to look forward to, is it Glasgow then more than likely Edinburgh ??? :-)
  8. Sheffield gave us a tough match up here, albeit Iin the L/C tho ;-)
  9. Yeah,,, it's all self, self, self with some of them these days,,, and you also have the one's that tootle round a the back, doing wheelies n that :-(
  10. ahh,,, av snapped me ffffing pencil :-(,,, better add sharpeners as well :-)
  11. so,,, if rider 1 from team A wins, he gets points,if rider 2 from team A is second, he gets points, and riders 1 & 2 from team B are 3rd & 4th, they don't score ??? if rider 1 from team A wins, rider 1 from team B is 2nd, rider 2 from A is 3rd, they all score and the other guy at the back doesn't ??? if rider 1 from team A wins , team B riders are 2nd & 3rd, they all score, and the other guy at the back doesn't ??? I think they'll have to hand pencils out with rubbers on with the programme, lol,,, if things aren't complicated enough ;-)
  12. Would say, the 'pairs' scoring work in team matches, putting the onus onto not coming last,,, maybe more scope for team riding, obviously would have to change the average system to 16 like,,, bit of a big change, but it could work :-)
  13. Well,,, does anyone have any opinions on the actually match ???,,, rather than going over 'whatever', about someone's unfortunality :-( I thought Kyle Newman was good and Plymouth shouldn't be too disheartened,,,
  14. good post, can't say I agree with everything you say, but a lot of it makes sense,,, it does look as crowds are dropping and, if there's no fans, there's no club,,, would a good team bring crowds back to a sustainable level ???,,, how do you put a 'good' team together without fans bringing money in,,, if riders are failing, should they go, if the management/promotion are failing, should they go and, if they do go do they take the club with them ??? I'm sure there is some good or better idea's out there, but would anybody hear them,,, or is that part of the problem :-)
  15. a free pint for dad's ??? :-) just out of interest AC, your obviously not happy with the team, what would've been your team ??? I think the team was build with potential in mind, but unfortunately only 2 members have increased their starting average,,, taking into consideration L Kerr's 'reduction' ???
  16. I quoted the post which clearly says what your trying to deny,,, you wrote it,,,
  17. That's maybe part of the problem with speedway,,, there are a few who have 'said this from day one',,, but to say the team will 'never' be strong enough is a bit hard predict, unless you're a clairvoyant,,, and by the way, yesterday's score was worse than the League Cup one, but don't let the facts get in the way ;-)
  18. Maybe Nicki should try and get sponsored by 'marmite',,, :-) and Greg by 'dulux' or sumink,,, :-(
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