Sort of agree with 'Scara', some folk do like to know a bit more about how things happened. Doesn't mean your sick or anything, better to see for your own eyes.
How many folk watched back them 2 planes hitting the twin towers?
BTW, best wishes to all involved in last night's incident.
I think it's a problem these days tho. The threat of 'not good weather',,, it seems to be allover the place atm and in your face, possibly due to the climate crisis thing going on. 'Expect the worst or, stay in the hoos'?
Aye, as Steve says, it was against Leicester. A did ask Stewy and the guys to gaan easy on us, obviously took no notice (28-62) a think?
We officially closed on June 21st, remember it well, it was a long day, felt like the longest day of the year!