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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. exactly,,, he should be shown the pit gate and told not to come back
  2. yeah,,, and even all those people might be making stuff up, tittle tattling
  3. lets hope so,,, too much red and white makes me feel sick
  4. and people keep saying they've got no money, a dunno
  5. It does seem daft, but folk have run-ins with their bosses all the time and the toys often come out of the pram ,,,I hate my bosses at times and vice versa,,, sometimes I don't want to be there, but I turn up and do what i'm paid to do, and not much extra, as little as possible really ,,,
  6. ok,,, just trying to help resolve matters
  7. well maybe if all those that don't want him donated a small amount to the 'help buy Matty' fund,,, maybe a deal might be met
  8. you wouldn't wanna see that Dave,,, thought this was a family friendly sport ???
  9. if any deal for Kus cannot be met,,, who else is available, so maybe any plan b may result in a secret 7.00 pt assessed rider ???
  10. am sure Kus would do a good job at Newcastle,,, as for being inconsistent, or not being able to pass,,, we've had a few like that, so as long as he gates and doesn't get passed, he'll do ok thats if it is him
  11. you definitely seem like you're trying to sell him to us 'screm',,, hope your not just trying to inflate his price
  12. too true Dave,,, but since we already have 'mr inconsistant' on a 7+ average, do ya think they will be paired together, at say 3/4 ???
  13. 'milk monitor' at high school ???,,, we didn't even get free milk at middle school, must have been after the iron lady got in and took away stuff for needy folk
  14. D2D,,, remember Kevin was quite promising, then he had that spectacular smash with the 'flying fish',,, but sure he put some good scores in home and away is 'duelling banjos' their intro ???
  15. Well,,, thats that all over for another year, all the stuff returned to the loft,,, all we have now to look forward to is some long, sunny, summer Sundays,,, and 'kebabs'
  16. to you too Dave, and all me speedway friends if we don't find out who the new man is, we could 'just make' it up
  17. is it Buz Lightyear,,, that would be interesting, on a 7 or a 5 ???
  18. maybe nobody really knows,,, the 'announcement' might have been just to get more people at the disco, so the buffet wasn't wasted
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