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Everything posted by ruffdiamond

  1. Thought we might end up with the dross, but that is the dross, dross
  2. TBF,,, most riders find something to blame.
  3. a would settle for 'mediocre', its been like that a while now, but at least av got something to do on a Sunday ;-) It will be good to have riders there, that want to be there and not have their eyes on other prizes, a 'less is more' season.
  4. If Ludde is in the team with Robbo, I see many debates on here, now that WKD may actually attend and not rely on tittle-tattle ;)
  5. Thought there was another thread for this stuff.
  6. Tick Robbo off the list. (TWK will be camping out, in his own bed)
  7. Merry Christmas to you Jenga and all the best.
  8. Thats a bit harsh Dave, we could end up with worse.
  9. Imagine a programme for, say darts or snooker. I used to print the score page out and stick it in the programme aftrewards, but then the printer ran out of ink, so that was that. I would often read the programme at work, to fill the shift in, but now I don't go to work I haven't got time. So they just fill up space in the house.
  10. A think it will be a good-un, to try and get more at the Christmas doo
  11. A wonder if any signings will be announced at the Christmas doo on Friday night ?
  12. If Peterboro need to get rid of some riders to fit others in, may I suggest it might be good to do it on 'press and practise day', (just for a laugh)
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