Nice try, Cook should definitely have been excluded, he clearly reared and stopped the race, if the race was stopped as some are saying because Barker moved, the ref would have issued a warning and he didn't.
I know what me and loads of others saw sitting inline with the tapes, as for the white line business been told it was shown clearly on BSN, by the way, I don't need to resort to sarcasm I like to think I'm above that.
They certainly got away with a lot of them last night, we were sitting by the start line and it was disgusting what they got away with, also clearly crossing the white line and getting away with it. If they think the way to winning is by cheating, that's not very sporting.
I think you should all read Matt Bates report. With 2 ref's declaring the track fit, the main instigator being a Berick rider influencing the rest causing the meeting to be postponed Berwick were withholding their service's, in that case they should be fined and should also forfeit the points with Plymouth getting them. If the rider concerned has lost his bottle mayba he should have stayed retired. It is extremely unfair to blame Plymouth when it was all brought about by Berwick
If 2 ref's declared the track fit to race but then some of the away team refused to ride, it is most unfair to blame the promotion. There has just been a report on the local news which were at the track last night, they clearly reported it was a few of the Berwick team which did not want to ride. Mark has done a great job since he took over and he certainly doesn't deserve all the nasty comments that have been made. All the calls he's made in the last few week's have been the right ones saving not only himself unnecessary costs but travelling rider's and supporters also. I am very grateful that thanks to Mark we have speedway in Plymouth, long may it last.