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Papa Bazarou

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Everything posted by Papa Bazarou

  1. I've just spent the last hour or so looking at 2011 pictures, and what is clear to me is that these silencers do discolour significantly, but that level of discolouration does vary significantly, could this be down to age or to the way the engine has been setup, or down to other more underhand reasons, very few of us are in an authorative position to comment. One thing that stands out for me, is Peter Karlssons 'matt black' silencer he used during the Wolves v Bees match on June 27th. http://www.jeffdavies.luxipics.com/default.asp?id=119 So which make of silencer is this ? and did it come off the production line looking like that ? why is it all over black ? as far as I know and having googled all the manufacturers, they're all crome plated. We don't know what level of tampering Eddie is being accused of, is it internals or is it external coating ? Clearly the rules state . . austs and Silencers 10.30 Only homologated Silencers (without modifications) are permitted. It is an offence to present a Motorcycle for examination with a modified Silencer. The Silencer must remain complete and effective during a heat otherwise the Rider must be disqualified. Also just found in section 14.7.1 of the rule book, which makes interesting reading. 14.7.1 Specifically the Staging Promoter must: equipment to test or inspect a Silencer if required or if no equipment is available and a protest is made regarding the legality of a Silencer, then the Promoter must supply a replacement Silencer free of charge So when was the protest made, heat 7 ? and was a replacement offered by the Lakeside promotion ? has the due process been followed correctly ? If found to have tampered internally, then yes guilty, but I think that there is more to run on this.
  2. My highlight so far has been the 'moustache comb' action from the gentleman over Ove Fundins left shoulder just before heat 23 . . quality rewind folks and observe the way he calmly slips into back his shirt pocket.
  3. 2. Tomasz GOLLOB £50,000 6. Nicki PEDERSEN £45,000 (captain) 9. Fredrik LINDGREN £35,000 10. Hans ANDERSEN £35,000 13. Jaroslaw HAMPEL £25,000 Total £190K
  4. Pete, Add me to the league please . . I'll play catch up 2. Crump 50k 6. Adams 45k 7. AJ 35k 10. Freddie 'Baby Faced Assasin' Lindgren 30k 15. Emil 25k TOTAL 185k Captain = Crump
  5. A few very nasty incidents tonight (several down to track, some down to racing), so a very speedy recovery to all of those involved. Re: the AJ / Gollob incident Didn't AJ have a very similar type of crash a couple of years ago at Wroclaw in a GP, into turn 3 that time. From memory in that one AJ was having a good run on Nicki up the inside and as Nicki started to peel to the left AJ caught the back (think his handlebar caught Nikkis racejacket) net result AJ went off the high side again entering the turn at high speed. In that one it was before the start of air fence and I think his bike ended up over the fence. Also AJ and Nikki in the SWC traded headbutts along the startline at Reading a couple of years ago, that time again AJ up the inside. My point is not that AJ is at fault in these incidents, but that AJ is a master of diamonding off the corners getting the long straight and increased speed up the inside of his opponent. If he doesn't quite make it he carries his speed to switch back immediately outside of them for the big sweep. He did it so many times for us at Coventry, and it was great to watch, he is in a minority in that he is a true racer. These are IMHO are racing incidents. In tonights case Gollob clearly knew AJ was there with more speed and was trying to defend the inside line, albeit very, very early forcing AJ to have to got the long way round and the slick lifeless outside run. By that time AJ was already half a wheel inside, and probably was comtemplating the option himself to make the move back to the outside (only he will know that), but there was contact, and the rest is history. Also remember Floppy Norris at Eastbourne a few years ago up the inside of Peter Ljung down the back straight, floppy making the move to the outside, with Peter peeling to the left, similar result, Floppy unfortunately ended up over the fence with an ankle injury. Its a dangerous sport with a very fine line and at the speed we are talking of, fractions of a second to react, real heart in your mouth stuff. But if it was 'route one' and all the riders could do was follow each other down the straights into the turns on exactly the same line, it would be very boring indeed. The important thing is that if the early prognosis is as stated, then we can all enjoy AJs efforts on track again at the earliest.
  6. A sample of the Bydgoszcz atmosphere . . http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aFACkzg4in4 I will post racing action as viewed from the crowd later.
  7. I know its 24 hours till the meeting, and tomorrows forecast looks favourable, but here on the north edge of Coventry we've just had a massive downpour - our cat bowl has just floated off the patio ! If it has hit Brandon as well then perhaps it the big man aboves way of dampening the track right through to the base, so hopefully the term slick will not be needed tomorrow night Looking forward to it, and expecting a British victory with the Ruskies out to cause a few upsets.
  8. Not me guvnor - somebody did though ! Also at Bydgoszcz in 2001 (the amazing heat 18) Hancock also went grasstracking to pass Adams. I vote for kerbs and the rule no part of the bike across the line.
  9. In 1990 at the World Pairs in Landshut, Hans Nielsen pulled a similar move to Nick last night. Pulling his front wheel and most of his bike over the kerb to gain an advantage on his opponents, his back wheel caught the kerb collecting more traction then even 'The Professor' could handle resulting in skittling most of his oponents - it was carnage. That was in a 6 man race (Denmark, Australia and Germany), and I think both Germans came off worst Gerd Riss and I think Klaus Lausch. Pretty sure one of the Germans suffered a broken leg. In fact I'm sure that 5 of the 6 men ended up on the floor, and that Mike Patrick caught it on film in his 'Snap' book. It was the same meeting that Simon Cross crushed a couple of vertabrae in a separate incident at a time a tyime in hi9s career when he was flying. This of course all pre air-fence days, and the fence at Landshut was solid wood. The point here is that with tracks that have inside lines made of concrete kerbs, allowing riders to get the front wheel over we will alway carry this risk. As mentioned Peterborough and temporary tracks do not suffer this problem as concrete is not used. Its only going to be a once in a blue moon event, but last nights spill whilst dramatic could have been a whole lot worse. The answer ? kerbs at all tracks and mandate via a rule change that no part of the bike crosses then line ? make the kerbs high enough like at Brandon so that its impossible to use at as an advantage ? Remove all kerbs and run the risk of riders cutting the corners. This would have to be refereed appropriatley. Glad that all are up and about, albeit feeling very second hand.
  10. Correct Steve, recall the Bomber saying it was just Crumpy to beat out of all the GP boys, and what a time to do it. Privileged to be able to film his daring week in week out at Brandon. Massive well done to you Chris.
  11. Mateusz - thanks for shwing those with us - as per usual in Poland it looked a fantastic atmosphere. Just a shame it was not the desired result that all from Bydgoszcz were looking for - better look for next time. In the UK we can only dream of that level of support & passion.
  12. And Tyskie is now available in Tesco's in the UK. Bought 2 large bottles at the big store off the M6 Jct 3 by the Ricoh Arena in Coventry at the weekend. Very nice indeed Mateusz - Have you been to Poznans track yet ? Our schedule this year was to take in a meeting on the Sunday after the GP at Bydgoszcz. Happy to report that we found the stadium, only to find we were 24hrs late The meeting had run on the Saturday afternoon instead at 16:00 You may remember me questioning if it was definitely going ahead on the Sunday as I was aware of conflicting info on the www. For some reason it had changed, maybe because of the GP or possibily the big local football match on the Sunday ? I should have gone with my gut insticts and gone with the Gniezno meeting but at least we found the track and, and still the square in Poznan was very good on Sunday night. Also, plenty of hotels at a good price, the Novotel being 10mins walk from the centre - a good base for the U21 next year ? Anyway will post a few pics on my webshots when I get a mo, its a big / long track around a football pitch set in a very wooded area with athletics and tennis venues alongside. British sport is put to shame when you compare the facilities abroad.
  13. Crikes . . If thats true, Byd & Torun completely booked out, then that may put a lot of people off for 2007, which is a shame as its the last Bydgoszcz GP (I think . . ), I'm sure we'd all like to witness it bow out in style with a feast of super racing. Poznan is an option, we stayed there on the Sunday night this year. If on an organised trip (eg Travel plus) then the coach takes the strain I guess, but a lot of us independant travellers like the direct flights to Byd, or Poznan with PKP trains and taxis taking the strain, then a stroll back to the hotel after the GP followed by a few Piwos. Hiring a car and driving on unfamiliar roads through Poland at night perhaps not everyones cup of tea if located a long way away ! Then again if the PKP timetable is the same as this year, then there is always the 00:07 direct train back to Poznan in the early hours of Sunday.
  14. Setting off in a few hours time. Anyone know if the Poznan - Opole mathc is still on this Sunday ? Really confused as the website (http://www.pszpoznan.pl/) is showing . . PSŻ Milion Team Poznań - Kolejarz Opole Poznań 23.09.2006r. godz. 16.00 Saturday night ?? surely not Please confirm. I will check this thread at sometime tomorrow, if not wait for Mateusz at the Brda, I'm sure he'll help !!
  15. Well I may be alone in saying this, but I didn't mind tonights GP. A win bet of £5 win for Hancock from William Hill at 9-1 might have something to do with that ! £50 notes thankyou kindly ! Well done Greg. Yes the track was slick, and rutty but the brave and the wily (sp. ?) could exploit the conditions and makes some passes as we saw. Correct 4 in the final, Zagar also would have been worthy of a place. AJ most exiting rider as on many occasions, but cannot gate for toffee thankfully, we need his exploits from the back to liven up the racing. Unlucky to be excluded in the final. Super 360 by Scotty, saved by the skid pan watering before the heat no doubt, a grippier track would have spat him out of the saddle and a trip to Brian Simpson. RE: THE SURFACE : East European tracks use a grey powdery shale, which when watered prodcues great dirt and racing. Look at Bydgoszcz you get a beautiful build up around the outside as the meeting goes on. Yesterday was allegedly like a ploughed field following rain. 2 hours of practice scrubs it off, then we have 24 hours of drying conditions. Ole is water averse as we know, so its no wonder it was rock hard. I say ditch the practice sessions, running the equivelant of 2 full meetings in 24 hours is too much for most tracks. When the conditions differ so much day on day, whats the point - whats gained ?
  16. . . and both mine made the semis, with Trick already out I though hear we go 2 into the final maybe and mega points, but alas not to be with Mr Clean dribbling around the white line and Tomek getting squeezed out. . . oh and Mr William Hill is £13 better off today Going to have to be a big gamble in 2 weeks against an outsider - go out with a bang ! Well done f-s-p, nothing rash now
  17. Well Papa's happy today. I backed Nicki to win (only £4) but still a return, and also Tomasz £2 each way, so again a return on that as well. Add that to a £5 win on numbersixvalverde at 16-1 in the National the other week !
  18. Steve - Its Callaghans Irish Bar on the corner of Castle Street and the Millenium stadium walk and under the Holliday Inn, the beer garden is a sun trap, and would be perfect for a forum meet up, not forgetting its my birthday on June 3rd ! Here is an article from a Cardiff night out website . . http://www.bigcardiff.co.uk/articles.php?article_id=40 What more could you ask for - a large Irish bar located right alongside the Millennium Stadium walkway. You can be stood at the bar drinking your Guinness one minute, and in your seat in the stadium the next! Being so close to the stadium - Callaghans is an obvious favourite on match days. I was once stood near the doorway during a Wales v Ireland match and a stadium steward walked in offering 2 free tickets to the match. Needless to say, I took the tickets and Callaghans has been alright by me ever since! Wales lost the match incidentally, no surprises there then. Callaghans has all the essential ingredients for being a good Irish bar: - They serve a good pint of Guinness - which will only set you back £1.50 after 9pm. - The atmosphere is always good humoured...and generally very loud with it! - Live music can be enjoyed here EVERY night of the week. - The walls are dripping with all manner of replica Irish antiques! Being a hotel bar (located under the Holiday Inn) Callaghans is also open later than other pubs. It is generally open until 2am on most nights of the week. There is a good range of bar food served throughout the day including all the usual dishes: burgers, pizzas, baguettes, steaks, and ofcourse, the 'All Day Irish Breakfast'. Callaghans Irish Bar Castle Street, Cardiff, CF10 1XD Tel: 029 2034 7247
  19. Taxis in Poland are either very swish Mercs or beaten up LPG converted FSO Polonez ( but don't expect to get anyhting in the boot ) - travel in style ! Alternatively leap out of the aircraft on final approach - you go right over Poznan Glowny station. Seriously, Poznan, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Bydgoszcz all do-able from Airport to local central station via taxi. Poznan as well has a bus service.
  20. Thankyou Pammie - I'm absolutely made up by the Franky snap. That one is going to be enlarged to A3 and framed in the living room, alongside my forum winning Bydgoszcz crowd snap ! Only downside to the weekend, my performance in the sweepstake - both days my riders appeared in the D - there is losing and there is losing and I managed to pick wrong uns on both days - well at least I was consistent.
  21. My first ever visit to Assen, in fact my first 'live' Ice racing, and what can I say, absolutley incredible. Fearless ? Reckless ? I'm not sure how to categorise these guys but they've got some bottle. The lines they take exiting the turns with those bails on their outside, borders on insanity ! Took my 300D and shot a few pics - very pleased with the outcome, I've posted a couple in my webshots. http://community.webshots.com/user/papabazarou Heat 2 in yesterdays meeting was breath taking - all 4 crossed the line together, after an epic 4 laps. Only down side - too damn cold ! But as one dutch guy pointed out with a hint of sarcasm in his voice 'Vell it ish Icsh rracing you know ! Us Brits, we are light weights. Loved it - going to Inzell next year.
  22. Yep you're right ! Leszno are away, Czestochowa is the 4th home venue. All do-able if you pick and choose wisely your departure airport. Are you 2 out for the week in early May ?
  23. Your shout btw its Weds May 3rd Bydgoszcz v Torun (out Tuesday back Thursday for £47.98 rtn inc taxes) or stay in Poland for the GP at Wroclaw on the 6th, then either Torun, Leszno, Rzeszow or Rybnik on the 7th with flight options back from anywhere in Poland on Monday the 8th .................................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  24. Why thankyou Rico, your assumptions are pretty much spot on ! I was on the Ryanair out 'n back Friday to Sunday, it all got costly & messy, plus we wanted to add a.n.other to our party, so we canned the ryanair flights and 2 of us re-routed to Wizzair into Poznan from Luton at 60 notes per person return. The rest of the CIMSTV gang are also re-routed to Poznan but Ryanair still. As you know we'd done Poznan before using the infamous airpolonia.com 2 years ago, so the routing and train travel is no issue. Hotels are 'a plenty' in Poznan, and its a town centre I've yet to explore so why not, it fits in with our Monday return. It also makes the GP weekend a bit of an adventure, out and back into Bydgoszcz whilst convenient (or not so as the case may be for some, thanks to Ryanairs antics now) is not the same unless you have a bit of 1st class PKP thrown in ! Not to say that an out 'n back to Byd for a BKS Polonia v KS Apator Torun derby match would be out the question at some time this year. As you point out though the e-liga play offs on the 24th may influence another location for the Sunday. The options are plentiful nowadays.
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