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Everything posted by FranktonBee

  1. Yes, it was indeed a four-teamer. Union Jacks (Wilson, Collins, Jessup, Betts, Simmons) 34 Lions (Booey, McMillan, Hunter, Pusey, Chris Morton) 26 Australasians (Mauger, Cribb (who replaced Briggo), Boulger, Sanders, Valentine) 26 Scandinavians (Persson, Nilsson, Soren Karlsson, Stangeland (replaced Finn Thomsen), Ollie Nygren (replaced Rikhard Helsen) 10 Top scorers were: McMillan, Mauger (10), Collins, Simmons (9), Boocock, Wilson (8). All from four rides. The 'Second Half' was a Testimonial Trophy knockout, won by Collins, with Persson second and Cribb third (Wilson retired). What a wonderful Sunday afternoon that was, and it didn't matter that it took hours to get out of the car park afterwards!
  2. Don't think too many saw that coming. Nice to get the lot!
  3. Yes, on early evidence, Heeps was a shrewd move. But let's see how it pans out eh?
  4. I wonder what the problem was with Garrity's machine? The lad was making much of the fact that he had much better kit now. Still, hopefully all problems will now be identified and sorted. A win's a win. Kick on from here.
  5. Wouldn't be the Elite league otherwise....
  6. Fairy nuff. I didn't, and i don't think Mid Red did either. I blame Poole....
  7. Yes, I know that now, but their tweets didn't reflect that sequence. But then, it's the BSPA eh?
  8. Hmmm. Yes, I noticed that. Thought I'd missed something.
  9. Bingo! That's what's causing the problem then. It's made of fruit.
  10. Could have been so very different though? Nonetheless, congratulations to Cradley, and here's hoping a solution to their current problems can be found.
  11. I know this is a very old thread, but I'm amazed if nobody has spotted this Pathe clip Gemini. (Perhaps they have and it's on another thread somewhere, but I'll add it here anyway, just in case ...) http://www.britishpathe.com/video/child-motorcyclist/query/speedway+3+year+old Apologies if it's come up before
  12. Leicester Tigers? Their average is about 9000 fewer than Leicester City. Otherwise, you're quite right.... apart from the fact that you'll only find these kinds of attendances in the Premiership. At Level two the crowds rarely top a couple of thousand except for at a few notable exceptions (Bris being the obvious one). Grass roots RU is not exactly thriving, and the RFU seem to be doing their best to strangle it, by almost palpably avoiding meaningful sponsorship deals at the lower (sub-1) levels. Parallels?
  13. Pete was a lovely lad. My mate Chris Allen's (good cycle speedway rider in his day but also now passed, sadly) dad Frank used to tune for him and John Harrhy way back when, and transported their bikes to the stadium on a rack on the back of his old Mk X Jag. Pete never really reached his potential, but is nevertheless sadly missed around Brandon. I've '#asked' Scotty - worth a pop I suppose!
  14. They won't have time. Too busy flogging the family (Ricoh) jewels Great result. Well done boys!
  15. I'd rather lose the title (if it was ever a possibility) with a team of decent, committed riders, than win it with a no-show mercenary tosspot like Jensen.
  16. Hasn't stopped his (JJR's) apostrophe abuse though.....
  17. I live in a village full of 'nearlydeads' as my mate Joe puts it , between the churchyard and on the road to the crem. I don't find it the least offputting. I do, however, wish they'd rip up the tarmac and reinstall shale at the stox/ex-speedway stadium just down the road (the other way) though. However, I suspect I'm in the minority. Oh for a bit of clarity on Brandon, instead of this interminable conjecture. Bores the pants off me!
  18. Apples & turnips. Cheese & chalk. One is the most watched sport on the planet, and one is a marginal that is watched by a few diehards who would watch paint dry if it was the right colours. Promotion of the sport of speedway needs to be done by the right people on a local basis until it is able to command the dollar. Sadly I think it's much too late for that though.
  19. Slightly apprehensive. Hate losing to Poole though....
  20. It won't. Most of us have tried for so long, we may just as well join in the 'fun'.
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