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  1. Personally I think this will be really close. Rew has improved immensely in his 3 visits to Leicester this year, Thompson will comfortably outscore Hagon. Leicester only got 48 at home against Birmingham & Kings Lynn.
  2. I believe Cook has dislocated his shoulder and was in an a lot of pain, if so can’t see him being fit for next week. Stand by for a phone call Lewis Kerr.
  3. Redcar v Leicester Kevin Doolan a bit miffed at Aaron Summers clips him after the race on the back straight causing Aaron to fall off, he then legs it across the centre green chasing after Kevin. At the pits entrance there is a crowd of people to keep them apart so Aaron throws his crash helmet at him. One of the funniest things I’ve seen, all that was missing was the Benny Hill music.
  4. Can’t remember the last time I fillled a programme in where there were no changes in every heat.
  5. Only realistic option is Jake Mulford who had a decent meeting for Middlesbrough in the NDL at Leicester
  6. Comfort break? Remember NKI on the bog at Peterborough once lol
  7. I’ve not seen it personally but I think the banking is now a constant gradient instead of flattering out 2/3 of the way up.
  8. Now moved to Sunday 22nd. League & Cup double header at Leicester. Might need a sleeping bag lol
  9. What if you have a ticket from the original staging though?
  10. I’ve waded in too lol They are 2 completely different scenarios but hey ho,
  11. Yes, they really need to give their head a wobble. You are bang on with what you said.
  12. Maybe that was down to lots of practice sessions being available at Leicester with it being a single use facility and at that age the more time on track the better?
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