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Everything posted by mrlincolncity

  1. Youl see, its on! Last bend of lap 4. Proper drama, nige n kelv will be going loony big time! Bigger than normal
  2. Lynns manager is clearly on a nose bag! Must be on a right sesh if he believes all that hes just said
  3. Me too, i used to go every week in the 80s! I was there when we got hammered every week
  4. It did 20 odd years ago! It was as good as any anywhere back then
  5. Agreed, awful preporation! No chance il be attending when its as poor as this
  6. I remember the time saddlebow road was a superb race track, its nigh on impossible to make a pass now unless the rider in front makes a mistake!
  7. Is adam ellis the best replacement for NKI then? He may as well go and have a pint and watch it for the good hes been!!?
  8. I would agree tbf, its poised perfectly for the neutral supporter really, i so hope lynn can do it though, im off work thursday too, so very tempted at going tbh
  9. I was keen.... but wrong, on second look its y/b who moves first, didnt touch the tapes though.... crap rule for me that is
  10. The only incorrect decision the ref has made tonight was excluding MPT when hes clearly knocked off by jackobsen!! Almost like penhall did to carter at wembley 81
  11. I dont hate poole, bomber is one of my all time faves, and i generally speaking, enjoy good speedway refardless of the result, id class myself a kings lynn fan, an avid regular once upon a time many years ago, sadly not as iften as id like nowadays, but i do see your point regards hatred towards poole...... cant agree with MPT taking a dive though..... made me laugh, that did!
  12. Hes in the box with a view across the start finish line isnt he? Im not certain tbh, im presuming this??
  13. Either way its very very tight and difficult to see WHO touched taped first tbf! without a over head view you cant be certain, and wev not seen one, the ref did.
  14. Ellis touched tapes first! Correct decision MPT was unfairly excluded though
  15. You lot dont half moan n cry! Great speedway, great entertainment! COME ON YOU STARS
  16. Hello all, just passing a website to you all, a free to play manager game, iv been playing a month now, tricky to understand but quite a good little game to be honest, if anyone fancies it, you need to email the chap who runs it, its all on the link for what to do....
  17. Hello all, sorry to butt in, can someone tell me whats gone off? Seriously...... I'm an old kings lynn regular, never missed from about 1980 up until the late 90s ish. Living in Lincoln and working and travel wasn't a problem for Saturday nights, but once it became Wednesdays that made it hard. Still dip in and out, watch the gps and the live tv matches, and try to attend a few meetings in a season, Leicester, Sheffield, scunny and lynn if I can..... find some comments odd as I read through them, about new fans wouldn't come and its the end and we are doomed..... I'm not a new fan, but I'm not a die hard, but iv no idea why all seem very anti buster chapman?? A few years ago I drove to a lynn match from Lincoln to find it was called off and I was met at the car park entrance by buster. I was gutted it was off, and said how surprised I was to him and I hadn't heard a thing about it being off, he asked me to park up and would be with me shortly. 10 minutes later, he came to me in my car and apologised about the rain off and invited me in to see the track. This happened to be my first visit in over 5/6 seasons which I explained was due to work and the death of my dad.... buster was brilliant with me, walked me round the track showed me the improvements to the stadium, took me into the pits, and gave me that weeks speedway star, and made me promise to come back and when I did to find him to say hello, which a few weeks later I did. My question, after the long story, is, whats happened? What damage has been done that will be very difficult to put right via the promotion and or buster chapman?
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