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About mrlincolncity

  • Birthday 07/16/1975

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  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    married with 2 kids and a dog
  • Music
    charlatans, happy mondays, stone roses
  • Age
  • Profession
    lorry driver

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  • Interests
    speedway, football, my family, earning loadsamoney, having money left after the wife and kids have spent it!
  • Team
    kings lynn

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  1. Im off to bed…. Been nice chatting with you all again no falling out when iv gone
  2. Danish got to be set for gating, they are the greatest gaters of all
  3. Ffs iv gotta get up at 4am to drive my lorry up to gateshead and back again i was hoping id be in bed now instead im watching the tractor again hahahaha
  4. I must say i did laugh when i heard bon jovi playing….its cringey really you know In the past iv taken mates to see speedway, not many want to go a second time
  5. Yep, you are right, progress init. But not all progress is good. This is prime example
  6. Hes a rarity to be fair, crackers. And thats how you need to be. Completely mad I hope he wins it tonight, hes brilliant is that lad
  7. It needs sorting out, but its needed that for a long old time now really, but nothing is forever, and that works both ways
  8. I know i know i was being….. facitious…. Fecicious ….hahahaha you know what i mean sarky…. Takin the piss
  9. Let me make this crystal clear I love speedway, its been in my life forever, my Dad started going in 1947 and went everywhere and when i was born in 1975 he started taking me too. It kills me to say this sport is in a mess, but my god is it
  10. Not completely correct, its also about appearance, the stadium, it looks better at cardiff than it does at the normal every day speedway stadiums, im not knocking any stadium, so im not naming any. But thats what the makeshift tracks are about. And in fairness, they are ok normally, but then again, the times they havnt been super smooth theyv provided exciting lively unpredictable racing, granted tonight has been just crap, but not many have been, and lets be honest, most are crap anyway, just boring follow my leader racing, that isnt good speedway, like i say, this sport is done and its down to the bikes mainly They are 2 seconds per lap too fast Minimum
  11. If i was Phil Morris id say race, or dont if you dont, pack ya bikes up f… off if you race, get on with it and now
  12. They only know 1 way though, its how the sport is today. Kenny Carter raced in the pissing down rain with a broken leg in 1984 Now i love Tai, dont take it the wrong way, but hes pulled out with a poorly tummy ffs
  13. Kings lynn was a superb circuit once when riders could race, But they proved it cant be like that now, riders refuse to race, they wont ride, if its iffy they say no, i dont blame them, they dont want injuries, but if the bikes were not as powerful it wouldnt be as critical, lets not forget the 1 main rule 500cc and no more its not designed to be crazy fast, its speedway on shale oval tracks, its 65 seconds per race.
  14. Iv not been to a meeting for 4 years now, and prior to that iv naybe done 10 since 2006 my dad died in 2006, we went everywhere every weekend, iv done vojens i was at the double header in amsterdam iv been to pocking ullevi wembley white city…. Done loads of big meetings. I was there every week when hans nielsen won everything and gundersen and jan o and all the bloody danes….. lol i was there when the 4 came off on bend 1 at bradford. I saw leif wahlman ride his last race at kings lynn. These bikes are crazy today, and tracks must be like polished smooth glossed wood. Super smooth cos if it isnt, believe me… it would be carnage
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