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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Buster said he was waiting to see if Lambert was available before finalising the fixture date. BSPA forced his hand but he said Lambert was available anyway. Laguta on the other hand……
  2. More needs to be made of this. Why on earth would buster turn down an offer for the club when he sees no future for it…..
  3. Inspiring words there from buster. Basically, don’t bother trying as the club is finished.
  4. Kings Lynn will be the last fixture. Nice little earner for buster to sign off with.
  5. What about the consortium that Mick Bratley said on the radio had approached him about taking the club over? Or Ged looking to get the club back, with Neil Watson involved? I’ve no insider info but there seems to be enough talk around to suggest there is truth in the stories that others are keen to take the club on…..
  6. You would think a dormant site taking in no income wouldn’t be particularly favourable to the existing owners but then I still struggle to understand why they’ve put a stop to all shows at the showground that would generate an income while they are trying to get their plans through. Their expectation that building would start this year was baffling. They can’t be that stupid or naive surely?
  7. in what circumstance do we think that we could be offered a stay of execution? If the application is turned down, one would assume they’ll go back to the drawing board and re-submit. Would AEPG really be willing to then let the club run for another year or 2 in this situation? Just trying to understand the end game here and what can be done to actually force their hand to continue letting the club run and not just putting the blockers on the development as a whole.
  8. Would be nice if these instructions could be included the programme for each of the remaining meetings. Need as many eyes on this as possible as I would imagine the majority of people who go each week won’t be active members of the BSF. Somewhat disappointed that the existing custodians of the club don’t seem prepared to make any noise publicly regarding objecting to the eviction.
  9. Would it be worth making a new thread with this pinned to get more eyes on it? I would but have no idea who to……
  10. Unfortunately it seems our current owner has completely given up as far as any future is concerned…..
  11. Are you able to offer any more clarity on this and what the plans would involve regarding the future of the club / where they would race. And is it all dead in the water now?
  12. He was on his own bikes, using Artemis’s bike covers
  13. Makes the whole situation even more baffling then. Why would buster turn down an offer for his asking price. Why would anyone want to buy the club with a handful of fixtures remaining , and no new lease on offer / no viable alternative for a new track…..
  14. Because the club want to announce it……..
  15. He was in a tough spot. Quicker than fricke but with the track being slick if he tried the outside run then he left a big gap on the inside. If he’d have gated in front he’d have been away
  16. Can hear the love hearts coming out of Louis for Doyle…..
  17. Can’t nominated a reserve. Have to nominate from main team, then replace him with a reserve.
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