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Everything posted by tyler42

  1. What i find ridicules is that both leagues seem to be at the same level. Why then do we have two leagues, with nearly all the same riders bar a few. Surly now is the time to make one big league. At least it will stop the ridiculous sight of riders riding for two teams. Maybe then the sport will start to recover a little.
  2. How many superlatives did Tatum use to describe Poole in that last heat. Very embarrassing for commentator who is suppose to be neutral!! Talks absolute cods wallop
  3. It is a shame Robert has not decide to move up with Lublin. The young Aussies, Holder, Kurtz and Fricke all ride in the top league over there and i'm sure Lambert could hold his own if he were to join them. He rides in the top league in Sweden. Which has a lot of the riders that ride in Polish top league and he holds his own there. So not sure why really.
  4. Just prove there was a lucky world champion. Of course all the riders wh No you're completely right i will exit left. I usually have a good laugh reading your posts, so thats what i will carry on doing.
  5. Your arrogance has no bounds. of course you don't speak drivlel you only state facts lol
  6. Thats the funnest comment you've made in two days. People in glass houses spring to mind!
  7. Have you ever been wrong. I would find that surprising
  8. No i give up because i find you're very childish. You seem to know everything, but in reality you know nothing. Arrogance is not a nice trait, But you have it abundance. Go and play with your mates.
  9. I give up, you have battered me into surrender with so many facts which i might add are all correct 'in your head anyway. I bow to your far superior knowledge of the sport and bid you good night.
  10. But the argument for your side of the debate 'not you personally' State that certain riders were lucky in certain years to become world champion because they did not dominate the qualifying rounds and as such were not the best rider of that year, but they just like TW done enough to get to the final and performed on the night when it mattered. Same mind set different format
  11. It was a a Kent club meeting. Reg i think had quite a bit to do with the meeting. I remember youth riders riding after or before meetings on the grass track bikes at Plough Lane as well.............. That was such a Long time ago!
  12. Most young British riders who rode speedway in the 80's did junior grass track iris 123. Being an old Dons fan, do you not remember a Junior grass track held on Tooting Bec common back in the late 70's Both Luckhurst boys rode that day
  13. Nothing has changed really, This program was from the Junior grass track championships 1978
  14. Thats quite a broad statement to make. I know plenty of riders past, who would disagree with that statement
  15. You are entitled to not to like my post. Of course that is what the forum is for, but for you to abuse me is totally different. As i said earlier, you don't know me so please don't call me names. Lets end this little discussion now if you don't mind. I don't have to defend my opinion to you or anyone else. My opinion is my opinion. Nothing more nothing less. There are lots of posts i don't agree with, but that is the posters opinion. I can challenge it if i want, but I would certainly not abuse someone for there opinions. Thank you
  16. Where in my post do i say the sport was dangerous back in the day. Please post all of my post. Not the little bit you like. so that you can attack me.
  17. Sorry what cause. It was a point of view. If you think I'm being offending to anyone thats your point of view. The difference is, i have not in my post attacked you personally, So don't do it to me. Thank you
  18. Don't call me a sick man because you don't agree with my point of view. Many riders have lost there life's as well. Does that make me a sick man as well. You don't know me so please refrain from name calling.
  19. Go back and read the post again, I have said nothing about what I believe is the 'fairest' way to decide a league championship. I must apologise, I read that completely it wrong
  20. Funny enough. If you were to have gone back a little, you would have seen i said the exact same thing about Jerzy Szczakiel and Egon Muller Being the two who i thought were shock winners. Other posters thought to differ. Saying both riders were tipped to win said finals. As for Jessup being better than Lee that year. Sure Jessup won the British final and Commonwealth final, but they were qualifying rounds. The final was all that counted. Just like qualifying heats in GP's. It does not matter if you get 18 pts like Laguta did on Saturday. The final was the one that counted and TW won that even though he only scored 11 pts in the qualifying heats. Just to add, How many riders over the years have won a world final on just 11 pts? I know it does not matter because the GP system is what it is. Just like the one off world finals Were what they were. The list of world champions other than the two mentioned were all riders that were not shock winners. You say Havelock was not the best the year he won the final. He won the British final, 3rd in the Commonwealth final he won the the Overseas final and lost in a run off to Per Jonsson in the world semi-final and won the final on 14 pts. That is a better record of qualification than Jessups in 1980, but you say Jessup should have won the 80 final and you question Havelock's Championship.
  21. I agree wholeheartedly of what you say. at the end of the day I think we all love speedway the history and the present.
  22. Funny that, because i'm still waiting for your comment earlier in the day about the world finals or are you like a politician. Just ignore the question and carry on? Thats a bit of a contradiction is it not, to what you have been saying all night about the The strengths of the GP series are so much fairer than a one off world final!! Now you you think a one off meeting is the fairest way to decide the league championship! please make your mind up. I have enjoyed our debate. Good Night for now.
  23. If you go back a tad had read my posts. I said that Poland was what you could compare the old 1st div with. Your argument has always been that todays league uk is far stronger than the old 1st div? The old 1st div was of the same level as The Polish extra league is now, because it had the same criteria i.e the best riders in the world competing in it. Are we getting any nearer or have i dreamed that up as well ?
  24. Its so open to debate. The three riders you mention. Muller won it Plech, made the rostrum twice and ironically Jancarz's record was very poor, but he imo had the best British league record of the three. Yes Ermolenko should have gone, but thats the luck you sometimes get. Do you not think lady luck was on TW side when he won his first world final? He and Emil Sayfutdinov were just a couple a points apart. the Emil Sayfutdinov got injured. Was that the slice of luck needed to go on and win his first championship? You seemed to have missed my point. How can 50 riders of which 40 plus are of 2nd div standard be stronger than the old 1st div which included the top riders of the day. How many riders in todays league can you tell me are of world class? there are no comparisons to be had.
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