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Everything posted by tyler42

  1. Spot on, There's no British rider at this present time other than Bomber who could match any of these riders credentials. If a second Brit was awarded a wildcard above any of these riders, It would make the sport look a farce. Bomber has now qualified on merit. Its taken him four attempts and you could say, If he was from any other country bar GB he would not have got the chance. Its about time riders who get a pick can add to the series rather than being in it just because of there nationality.
  2. Its great to see Bomber come of age in the GP's and a Brit who is there on merit, Well done Bomber.
  3. No he did not qualify, but who do you think should have a pick in front of him? As already said 2 GP finals, Polish champion, very high up in both Swedish and Polish league averages and would i think bring something to the series. Would not think he would be there just to make up the numbers.
  4. If you go back to the 80's. There were two leagues British and New national league with regional juinor leagues. they were mainly I think three man teams. the main differnce, was back then you did not have riders who did not make the grade in the national league drop back down to the junior leagues. Theres to many riders who have been in the premier league and who have been around for years dropping down and riding in the national league. Fair enough if this is what the national league promoters want. It use to be, second half onto juinor league and then 1st team if you made the grade. I don't think there were many riders who once making there league debut would drop back down to being a junior. As for Aussies there were plenty back then and they had to go through the same system. As the saying goes if your good enough, you will make it. Regarding the premier its a different kettle of fish, Yes there are to many foreign riders who are not good enough, but the promoters are the only ones to blame, as it is them that offer them the contracts.
  5. I can't see how sky /bsi can justify giving Tai a spot. he is trailing in last place bar Sayfutdinov in the series. A lot of people said Zetterstrom would be outclassed in GP's, but Tai is the one who has been outclassed? I'm not having a go at Tai, as I think most riders if they were offered a place would take it, but it's a tad to early for Tai. There are far more better riders who would be a plus for the series. If Tai or another Brit gets a nomination, then the Gp's are just a quota system. Not a true world championship.
  6. You only have to read Harris and Woffindens comments in the star the other week. Because the brits have had to rely on a wildcard year on year. The British riders expect it as the norm and maybe its not so important for them to qualify in the top eight. To be fair to Harris, last night was his worst GP for a while and I thought uptil last night he looked a genuine top eight rider. Time will tell with two rounds to go, but I bet bsi would hope Harris does get in the top eight and thus free up one of the wildcards for someone else. I don't think it will be a Brit this time around though.
  7. Well I think he is right. If you want to class it as true world championship. Kolodziej Has been one of the top riders in both Polish and Swedish leagues, Made the final in his one and only GP. so I think he has a case.
  8. I think this venue more than most would be a perfect pick for GB to have a chance of winning. If it were a bigger track, then the poles would be imo be favs. As it is, Rye House will certainty Level things up.
  9. No room for the young Emil Pulczynski. 13 pts last night in the play offs, beating Crump with ease in heat 15.
  10. Rob, If you take away Holder, Adams and Lingren. Would you not say by looking at the riders in the polish Liga 1, that it is more like are elite league in standard.
  11. watching it now on this link http://www.zonein.tv/771
  12. Well I agree with you on Rico. His form from what I have seen in the Polish league this year has been very good.
  13. Yes I agree, but you did not mention the above two in your 1st post
  14. Lindgren 12 Protasiewicz 10. not as simple as what you say.
  15. Enjoy it while you can. Come Monday you will need your ear muffs again!!
  16. I agree, no shouting! Just saying it how it is. good stuff
  17. This proves the product is right and when you give the riders a track to perform on, then you get fantastic racing. Just a shame Olsen & co don't see it that way.
  18. When the draw was made and saw Emil was drawn one, I thought he would struggle, and it showed. he could not cope with the watered track and regrade for each of his races.
  19. Shame the Danish midget got a puncture!
  20. Can't see it myself. I suppose the track will cut up, and then you will see riders making mistakes. Its a shame, but thats the only time you see passing.
  21. Fantasic interview by NP. He wipes out the young russian, but blames the young russian for hitting him!!!
  22. I agree, at least the young russian was providing a bit of excitment.
  23. It was nice to see a smile back on his face. he is a better rider than his scores have been.
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