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Everything posted by wealdstone

  1. Whilst a rap on the knuckles was considered a quite sufficient punishment as of course it was only Peterborough those present considered it much more serious that the person concerned failed to buy his round at the bar which cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.
  2. Possibly then it could have been in one of them. Probably used their club cards
  3. Disappointed but not surprised by the non event of AGM. Panthers doomed for all time to second division , no conclusion of Holdergate. As I think somebody said My conscience is clear or at least I think it is as I am not entirely sure of the concept,
  4. I have been to Torun but do not recall seeing a Tescos
  5. All this could have been achieved in the café at the nearest Tescos .
  6. Never I would think . Apart from the finances EOES cant stick to a set time let alone day.
  7. Looks like another. season of second division Speedway . A positive I should think as it looked at one time the Mafia had succeeded in manipulating a closure
  8. Probably a lot of hot air and platitudes and rush to the bottom will continue unabated
  9. Agree that Speedway Star article could be read both ways re Godfrey suspension and on reflection tend to think it refers only to Rathbone.
  10. Can't recall exactly but did say Godfrey also has had his license suspended which I don't think has been mentioned previously
  11. As a side issue there is even some dispute over which tune the Titanic band was actually playing!!
  12. Sorry thought he was same age as Ronnie Moore and Ove Fundin
  13. There was no need for brown envelopes it was never a secret all was known from day 1. Indeed Chapman said he knew
  14. Brian Crutcher could match most during that era. I can recall in bygone days BBC Sportsview sent cameras to Wembley for a league meeting between Lions and Wimbledon specially for the race between Crutcher and Tommy Price for Wembley and Moore and Briggs for Wimbledon . Result 5-1 to Wembley
  15. When you look at the make up of these two bodies there seems very little difference between the two. A Rose by any other name you may say , although perhaps a more suitable word than Rose would apply in this case. The BSPA in its present form arose as the promoters did not like the decisions coming from SCB which was then known as Speedway Control Board.
  16. Whilst clearly money changed hands I think bung is possibly the wrong word for it. What happened seems to have been known from word go and certainly no attempt made to keep it secret, indeed that is the whole basis of the row between Rathbone and Godfrey.
  17. I am shocked that Poole and Matt Ford well known as paragons of virtue should be implicated more so that they would let others carry the can.
  18. Clearly Speedway in the future needs to be run by persons of honesty and integrity . Any nominations?
  19. Has Rathbone got away with it? Where have you seen that?
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