Seems to me the ACU appeal virtually vindicated Rathbone and pointed the light firmly at Godfrey and BSPA . Significant that BSPA failed to publish or report any of this. The outcome of any Godfrey hearing seems to have been prejudged as he was re appointed prior to the hearing.
A bit bemused , seemingly the Mafia feel his actions were in best interests of Speedway etc. However I thought his original stance was to deny that he did or said anything.
Can no longer say fiddling whilst Rome burns. The fiddling continues but the fire has burnt itself out. Anybody wish they had delayed buying a season ticket?
He did rush to accept the thirty pieces of silver with indecent haste. Speedway promoters seem to regard the elimination of a local rival as an opportunity for them. The success of the appeal will not sit easily with the mafia bosses
I am sure that Ged can not and will not be able to sustain any financial losses so the situation looks very grim whatever way it is looked at. He is just not well off enough to do so.
Many will see your point. However I also think that if Panthers miss a season we will never see them again. The present line up looks iffy to say the least